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From WikiLectures

Welcome to WikiLectures

Your space to create and store medical study materials. There are currently 8,509 articles published.

Imagine your medical studies without carrying and studying tons of books.

Imagine a world where students and teachers cooperate to create reliable, recent and dynamic study materials.

Imagine WikiLectures. :-)

Please feel free to correct the grammar! Most translators use a translator to efficiently translate as many articles as possible; therefore, the text may not be 100% grammatically correct.


We are working with over 300 active Czech and English Parallel students to update Wikilectures.

If you are interested in helping out, contact our project coordinator to be part of the team! Current elective course for the academic year 2023/2024.

Main organizer: MUDr. Ota Raška, Ph.D.

Project coordinator: Andrea Rashovska

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