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== Defekty pod [[orbita|očnicí]] ==
== Defects under the [[orbit]] ==
* ''rotační tvářový [[lalok]]'' – můžeme jím posunout tkáň až z retroaurikulární oblasti + krku
* otary facial ''[[flap]]'' – we can use it to move tissue from the retroauricular area + the neck
* ''cervikofaciální lalok'' – rotujeme tkáň z obl. pod úhlem čelisti kraniálně do defektu, dárcovský defekt kryjeme Y-V posunem podbradku
* ''cervicofacial flap'' – we rotate the tissue from the area at the angle of the jaw cranially into the defect, we cover the donor defect with a Y-V shift of the chin

== Defekty před boltcem ==
== Defects in front of the auricule ==
* muskulokutánní lalok ''m. pectoralis major'' (případně [[Musculus trapezius|m. trapezius]], [[Musculus latissimus dorsi|m. latissimus dorsi]])
* musculocutaneous flap of the ''pectoralis major muscle'' (or [[trapezius muscle]], [[latissimus dorsi muscle]])
* mediálně stopkovaný lalok z ''krku'' s krytím dárcovské obl. [[kožní štěpy|kožním štěpem]] (esteticky horší)
* medially pedunculated neck flap with donor area coverage with [[skin graft]] (aesthetically worse)
* ''cervikopektorální rotační lalok'' – nutná rozsáhlá preparace s výslednou dlouhou [[jizva|jizvou]]
* ''cervicopectoral rotation flap'' – extensive dissection required with resulting long [[scar]]
* ''deltopektorální'' a ''cervikohumerální lalok''
* ''deltopectoral'' and ''cervicohumeral'' lobes

== Bukomandibulární oblast ==
== Bucomandibular region ==
* muskulokutánní lalok m. pectoralis major
* musculocutaneous flap of the pectoralis major muscle
* některé volné laloky
* some loose lobes
== Links ==
== Links ==
=== Related articles ===
=== Related articles ===
* [[Poranění měkkých tkání obličeje]]
* [[Facial soft tissue injuries]]

=== Literature ===
=== Literature ===

Revision as of 13:44, 16 December 2022

Defects under the orbit

  • otary facial flap – we can use it to move tissue from the retroauricular area + the neck
  • cervicofacial flap – we rotate the tissue from the area at the angle of the jaw cranially into the defect, we cover the donor defect with a Y-V shift of the chin

Defects in front of the auricule

  • musculocutaneous flap of the pectoralis major muscle (or trapezius muscle, latissimus dorsi muscle)
  • medially pedunculated neck flap with donor area coverage with skin graft (aesthetically worse)
  • cervicopectoral rotation flap – extensive dissection required with resulting long scar
  • deltopectoral and cervicohumeral lobes

Bucomandibular region

  • musculocutaneous flap of the pectoralis major muscle
  • some loose lobes


Related articles


  • MĚŠŤÁK, Jan, et al. Úvod do plastické chirurgie. 1. edition. Univerzita Karlova v Praze - Nakladatelství Karolinum, 2005. 125 pp. ISBN 80-246-1150-3.