Histology MCQs/Mock Credit Test B

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Leonid Pasternak (1862-1945): Night Before Exam

Mock credit test. Only one answer is correct, minimal score is 18 points.

1 Which technique is the best for proof of elastic fibers?

silver impregnation
Masson's trichrome

2 Which structure is staining by dyes of Sudan line/family/group?

neutral lipids

3 Microtubules:

are composed of tubuline pentamers
are composed of actin pentamers
are composed of tubuline dimers
are composed of actin dimers

4 Dyneins:

are stabilizing proteins associated with intermediate filaments
are motor proteins associated with intermediate filaments
are stabilizing proteins associated with microtubules
are motor proteins associated with microtubules

5 Mitochondria:

contain circular DNA without genetic information
contain linear DNA without genetic information
contain circular DNA with genetic information
contain linear DNA with genetic information

6 Kinocilia:

their main cytoskeleton is of microtubules
their motor protein is a kinesin
are immotile (=no main movement)
are on basal pole of the cell

7 Serous cells

their nucleus is condensed
takes place in the pancreas only
are a kind of fibroblasts
produce enzymes

8 Basal labyrinth:

takes place in neighborhood of the terminal web
is the same structure as the basal striation
contains cisterns of Golgi apparatus
is strongly basophilic

9 Brush border:

is common structure in stratified squamous epithelium
main function is transportation of layer of mucus
contains numerous mitochondria
is composed of microvilli

10 Basal membrane contains:

type I collagen
type II collagen
type II collagen
type IV collagen

11 Which of following cell adhesion does not take place in the intercalated disc?

zonula occludens
fascia adherens
gap junction

12 Histiocytes:

are tissue macrophages
are stem cells
produce histamine
produce heparin

13 Hyaline cartilage:

does not contain type II collagen
has no fibrilary component of ECM
has no vessles (=is avascular)
has no perichondrium

14 Elastic fibers:

are composed of elastin and type III collagen
are composed of elastin and type II collagen
are composed of elastin and fibrillin
are composed of elastin only

15 Destruction of bones:

precursors of bone-destroying cells are produced in the bone marrow
main bone-destroying cells are activated osteocytes
does not start before the bird
is pathological in adult body

16 Osteoid:

is ECM of actually destroyed bone in which was dissolved an inorganic part
is a cartilagineous model of the bone during chondrogenic ossification
is ECM of newly produced bone without an indorganic part
is other name for the primary bone

17 Brown adipose tissue:

adipocytes has short life-span
is mainly storage of energy
adipocytes are multilocular
is avascular

18 Proteoglycans

are supramolecular aggregates composed mainly of hyaluronic acid
are composed of a core protein and glycosaminoglycans
are composed of a core protein and oligosaccharides
are composed of a core protein and polysaccharides

19 Reticular connective tissue:

does not take place inside the lymph node
special staining is Feulgen's stain
reticular fibers are PAS positive
takes place inside the thymus

20 Where takes place dense regular connective tissue?

wall of the intestine
wall of the stomach
under epidermis
in tendon

21 Which part of troponine binds calcium?

none of them

22 Sarcomere:

is part of myofibril between two A bands
is part of myofibril between two M bands
is part of myofibril between two T tubules
is part of myofibril between two Z lineages

23 Neurons:

the most common type of neuron in a bipolar neuron
multipolar neurons have no more than one dendrite
neurons have no more than one axon
mitoses are common among neurons

24 Schwann cells:

produce myelin in CNS and PNS
produce myelin in CNS only
produce myelin in PNS only
have nothing to do with myelin

25 Azurophilic granules:

are inside granulocytes only
are inside platelets only
are mitochondria
are lysosomes

26 Neutrophils:

according to number of segments are classified to Arrneth's classes
are uncommon in the peripheral blood
have no phagocytic ability
produce antibodies

27 Hepatolienal period of hematopoiesis:

starts inside liver after 6th week
normoblasts contain hemoglobin HbA
only red blood cells are produced
continues to the aduldhood

28 Orthochromatophilic erythroblast

has diameter 8 - 10 μm
undergoes mitoses
has no nucleus
is basophilic

29 Which type of epithelium is on the schema?

Pseudostratified columnar epithelium.png

pseudostratified columnar epithelium
stratified columnar epithelium
simple columnar epithelium

30 Which tissue is on the picture?

Cardiac myocyte showing lipofuscin pigment.jpg

dense irregular connective tissue
dense regular connective tissue
skeletal muscle
cardiac muscle

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