Cubital Fossa
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(Redirected from Cubital fossa)
Boundaries of the Cubital Fossa[edit | edit source]
- Base - an imaginary line joining the two epicondyles of the humerus.
- Medial border (ulnar) - pronator teres muscle.
- Lateral border (radial) - brachioradialis muscle.
- Roof - consists of fascia (bicipital aponeurosis). Superficial nerves and blood vessels are found here, covered by skin.
- Foor - medially: brachialis and laterally: supinator
Contents[edit | edit source]
- The radial nerve (between brachioradialis and brachialis)
- The brachial artery (bifurcates into the radial artery (superficial) and ulnar artery (deeper)) and the brachial vein
- The median nerve
- one can also use the mnemonic for lateral to medial: "Really Need Beer To Be At My Nicest". (Radial Nerve, Bicipital Tendon, Brachial Artery and vein, Median Nerve)
The ulnar nerve is also in the area, but is not in the cubital fossa; it occupies a groove on the posterior aspect of the medial epicondyle of the humerus (called cubital canal). Several veins are also in the area (for example, the median cubital vein, cephalic vein, and basilic vein) but these are usually considered superficial to the cubital fossa, and not part of its contents.
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Bibliography[edit | edit source]
- PETROVICKY, Pavel, et al. Anatomie s topografií a klinickými aplikacemi : Sv. 1, Pohybové ústrojí. 1. edition. Martin : Osveta, 2001. 463 pp. ISBN 80-8063-046-1.
- J. H. Meiring et al, 1993, ANATOMY, 1st edition, Pretoria, Van Schaik, pg 147, ISBN 0 86874 454 9