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28 January 2025

N    17:20  Topography of abdominal wall, rectus abdominis sheath (with transverse section), blood supply, innervation, surgical approaches diffhist +6,688 Schwartz talk contribs (Created page with "<nowiki>###</nowiki> Topography of the Abdominal Wall and Rectus Abdominis Sheath The *abdominal wall* is a complex structure composed of muscles, fascia, and skin that serves to protect the internal organs, provide stability, and assist in respiration and movement. The *rectus abdominis sheath* is a crucial anatomical structure that encloses the rectus abdominis muscle, providing strength and protection. --- <nowiki>###</nowiki> *1. Abdominal Wall Topography* The ab...") Tag: Visual edit
N    17:18  Retromalleolar regions (med.+ lat.) diffhist +4,131 Schwartz talk contribs (Created page with "<nowiki>###</nowiki> Topographic Anatomy of the Retromalleolar Regions (Medial and Lateral) The *retromalleolar regions* refer to the anatomical spaces located posterior to the *medial* and *lateral malleoli* of the ankle. These regions are clinically significant as they contain important tendons, nerves, and blood vessels that pass from the leg to the foot. --- <nowiki>###</nowiki> *1. Medial Retromalleolar Region* The *medial retromalleolar region* lies posterior...") Tag: Visual edit
N    17:16  Anterior thigh region, iliopectineal fossa, femoral triangle (with scheme) diffhist +6,296 Schwartz talk contribs (Created page with "<nowiki>###</nowiki> Topographic Anatomy of the Anterior Thigh Region, Iliopectineal Fossa, and Femoral Triangle The *anterior thigh region* is crucial for locomotion and supports various muscles, nerves, and vascular structures. This region extends from the inguinal ligament superiorly to the knee joint inferiorly, with the *iliopectineal fossa* and *femoral triangle* serving as important anatomical landmarks. <nowiki>###</nowiki> *1. Anterior Thigh Region* The *a...") Tag: Visual edit
     17:14  Gluteal region diffhist +4,391 Schwartz talk contribs Tag: Visual edit
N    17:11  Topographic anatomy of the hand (with transverse section) and fingers diffhist +5,882 Schwartz talk contribs (Created page with "Topographic Anatomy of the Hand and Fingers The hand is one of the most intricate anatomical regions, consisting of bones, muscles, tendons, ligaments, nerves, and blood vessels that allow for a wide range of movement and fine motor control. The topographic anatomy of the hand includes its *skeletal framework, **muscles, **tendons, **neurovascular structures, and **skin. The **fingers* are an extension of the hand and involve highly specialized structures for movement...") Tag: Visual edit
N    17:08  Antebrachial region (with transverse section) diffhist +4,340 Schwartz talk contribs (Created page with "The *Antebrachial Region* Bones of the Antebrachial Region: 1. *Radius*:   - Located on the lateral side (thumb side) of the forearm.   - Its proximal end articulates with the humerus at the elbow and the ulna at the proximal radioulnar joint.   - Its distal end articulates with the carpal bones at the wrist joint and the ulna at the distal radioulnar joint. 2. *Ulna*:   - Located on the medial side (little finger side) of the forearm.   - Proximally, i...") Tag: Visual edit

26 January 2025

 m   23:38  External and internal cranial base‎‎ 5 changes history −25 [Natylapesova‎ (5×)]
23:38 (cur | prev) −24 Natylapesova talk contribs Tag: Visual edit
23:31 (cur | prev) −2 Natylapesova talk contribs
23:23 (cur | prev) +8 Natylapesova talk contribs
23:22 (cur | prev) −8 Natylapesova talk contribs
23:22 (cur | prev) +1 Natylapesova talk contribs
 m   23:09  Olfactory and gustatory pathway‎‎ 2 changes history +6 [Natylapesova‎ (2×)]
23:09 (cur | prev) 0 Natylapesova talk contribs Tag: Visual edit
23:08 (cur | prev) +6 Natylapesova talk contribs
 m   22:54  Biosynthesis of eicosanoids‎‎ 3 changes history +227 [Natylapesova‎ (3×)]
22:54 (cur | prev) +10 Natylapesova talk contribs Tag: Visual edit
22:35 (cur | prev) +28 Natylapesova talk contribs Tag: Visual edit
22:33 (cur | prev) +189 Natylapesova talk contribs Tag: Visual edit

24 January 2025

N    18:47  Biosynthesis of eicosanoids‎‎ 2 changes history +8,125 [Natylapesova‎ (2×)]
18:47 (cur | prev) −33 Natylapesova talk contribs (source edit)
18:39 (cur | prev) +8,158 Natylapesova talk contribs (Inserted text from wikiskripta: Tag: Visual edit
N    10:22  Vas (ductus) deferens, spermatic cord, seminal vesicles diffhist +4,312 Schwartz talk contribs (Created page with " === Spermatic Cord === ==== '''Definition''' ==== The '''spermatic cord''' is a composite structure consisting of vessels, nerves, and ducts that connect the abdominal cavity to the testes, ensuring their vascular, neural, and reproductive functionality. ==== '''Anatomical Course''' ==== * '''Formation''': The spermatic cord originates at the '''deep inguinal ring''' (the entrance to the inguinal canal). * '''Pathway''': It traverses the '''inguinal canal''' and emer...") Tag: Visual edit
N    10:18  Urinary bladder - structure and position, fixation and syntopy in male and female (draw scheme) diffhist +3,226 Schwartz talk contribs (Created page with " === Urinary Bladder === ==== '''Functions''' ==== # '''Temporary Storage of Urine''': #* The bladder is a hollow, distensible organ with an internal lining of folds ('''rugae''') that allows it to hold '''400-600 mL''' of urine in adults. # '''Urine Expulsion''': #* During '''micturition''', the bladder's detrusor muscle contracts while the internal and external sphincters relax. ---- ==== '''Anatomical Structure''' ==== * '''Shape''': The bladder’s appearance va...") Tag: Visual edit
     10:18  (Upload log) [Schwartz‎ (3×)]
10:18 Schwartz talk contribs uploaded File:Fixation and syntopy female .png
10:16 Schwartz talk contribs uploaded File:Fixation and syntopy in male .png
10:09 Schwartz talk contribs uploaded File:Ureter - syntopy.png
N    10:10  Renal calyces, pelvis, ureter - syntopy diffhist +2,748 Schwartz talk contribs (Created page with " === Anatomy of Renal Calyces, Pelvis, and Ureter === ==== Structural Overview ==== * '''Renal Cortex and Medulla''': The renal cortex extends inward as '''renal columns''', separating the medullary tissue into distinct '''renal pyramids'''. * '''Renal Papilla''': The apex of each renal pyramid is called the '''renal papilla''', which opens into a '''minor calyx'''. * '''Minor and Major Calyces''': Several '''minor calyces''' (2-3 per pyramid) unite to form '''major ca...") Tag: Visual edit