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Acetyl coenzyme A (Ac-CoA) is a central molecule especially in the metabolism of carbohydrates, lipids, proteins and other substances. It is activated acetic acid to which coenzyme A is attached via a sulfur atom. In its excess, when the capacity of the citrate cycle is exceeded, it is a substrate for ketogenesis.

Acetyl coenzyme A is produced during the decarbocylation of pyruvate by the irreversible PDH reaction, a large amount is produced during the β-oxidation of fatty acids, it is also produced during the degradation of some amino acids. It can be formed by the direct enzymatic connection of acetyl and coenzyme A with the consumption of ATP.

It is a macrogenic compund, the macroergic bond energy is 32 kJ/mol.[1]

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  • Wikipedia editors. Acetyl coenzyme A  [online]. Wikipedia: The Open Encyclopedia, Last revised 5/6/2011, [cit. 2011-08-01]. < >.
  1. DUŠKA, František and Jan TRNKA. Biochemistry in context Part I - basics of energy metabolism. 1st edition. Prague: Karolinum, 2006. p. 25.  ISBN 80-246-1116-3 .

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