Acute and chronic wound care

From WikiLectures

Before taking care of a wound[edit | edit source]

  1. Ask the name and date of birth of the patient
  2. Compare them with the name and date of birth written on the patient’s hand marker
  3. Ensure the patients privacy
  4. Explain the patient the whole procedure
  5. Assemble necessary equipment and check the date of expiration
  6. Wash hands with soap
  7. Wash hands with antiseptic
  8. Wear non sterile gloves

Acute and chronic wound care STEP BY STEP[edit | edit source]

  1. Put NON sterile gloves on
  2. Remove the tape from the wound by holding the skin stretched in the opposite direction than the tape removal. Remove the tape in the direction of wound
  3. Remove the gauzes
  4. Asses the wound: size, redness, swelling, amount, color, odor, and type of drainage
  5. Clean the tray using antiseptic
  6. Open the sterile kit
  7. Open the blue sheet, holding it from the ends and place it on the tray
  8. Empty the kit equipment on the sheet along with bandages
  9. Pour cleansing solution inside the kit
  10. Put STERILE gloves on
  11. Take the swabs, wet it inside the cleansing fluid and clean the wound and clean sideways. Commence cleaning the skin around the wound and continue peripherally

Types of wound[edit | edit source]

  • Deep wound: put silver alginate deep in the wound in order to absorb excess drainage, and cover with iodine bandages. Apply more bandages if necessary and fix with adhesive tape
  • Less deep wound: same as deep wound
  • Burn wound: hydrate with hydrogels, and apply silver alginate if excessive secretion is present. Cover with transparent film

Links[edit | edit source]