Aphthous stomatitis

From WikiLectures

Aphthous lesions

Aphthous stomatitis is recurrent sowing of ulcers and erosions in the oral cavity. The etiology is unclear. Apparently, this is an exaggerated immune response against saprophytes of the oral cavity. There are three forms:

  1. minor form - is relatively common. It manifests itself as whitish, round, 2–5 mm large erosions to ulcers with a reddened margin. They can also be multiple. They are painful. It usually heals ad integrum within 1-2 weeks;
  2. major form - is rare, ulcerations are larger, deeper and very painful. It heals longer, 4-6 weeks;
  3. herpetiformis form- the lesions are multiple and arranged in clusters.
  • Disinfectant solutions;
  • solutions containing anaesthetics, antibiotics and corticoids.

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  • ŠTORK, Jiří, et al. Dermatovenerologie. 1. vydání. Praha : Galén, 2008. 502 s. s. 307. ISBN 978-80-7262-371-6.