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Apraxia is the loss of the ability to perform more complex purposeful movements and activities, even if the momentum is not disturbed. The patient cannot, for example, dress, unlock the door with a key, etc. If we give him objects related to the activity, he does not know what to do with them, for example, he puts his shirt on his leg and so on. It, therefore, means the loss of learned movement stereotypes. There are several types of apraxia, in general, we recognize structural, ideational and ideomotor apraxia:

  • Constructional apraxia – the patient cannot build, fold or draw objects, while his mechanical skills, for example with a pencil and paper, are not violated.
  • Ideative apraxia – the patient lacks an idea, a plan of movement. At the same time, the cognition of the subject is not violated.
  • Ideomotor apraxia – the patient knows the purpose of the object and the way of its use, but the performance is done incorrectly - it changes the order of individual parts of the required movement; repeats one and the same movement; involves unwanted muscle groups etc., but fails to properly combine the movements into the necessary series. With a severe lesion, he does not complete the operation, he only makes a hint of it.

Mechanism of origin[edit | edit source]

Apraxia is caused by a disorder of the association areas of the dominant hemisphere and sometimes also due to severe hepatic failure. It belongs to a set of symptoms that arise when the parietal lobe is damaged in addition to the postcentral gyrus, the so-called "parietal syndrome".

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References[edit | edit source]

  • CAMINITI, Roberto – CHAFEE, Matthew V – BATTAGLIA-MAYER, Alexandra. , et al. Understanding the parietal lobe syndrome from a neurophysiological andevolutionary perspective. European Journal of Neuroscience. 2010, y. 31, no. 12, p. 2320-2340, ISSN 0953816x. 

References[edit | edit source]

  • BARTKO, Daniel – DROBNÝ, Michal. Neurológia. 3. doplněné edition. Martin : Osveta, 1991. 709 pp. Vysokoškolské učebnice. ISBN 80-217-0305-9.