Asperger's syndrome

From WikiLectures

Asperger's syndrome is a congenital disorder on the autism spectrum. The disease occurs more often in boys. Patients have difficulties especially in social behavior, communication and in the field of emotions. They usually have a high IQ and are often interested in a single topic about which they have extensive knowledge. Speech is not usually delayed in patients. Asperger syndrome is incurable and congenital, but social skills can be improved with psychotherapy.

An autistic boy and his typically unusual hobbies

Speeches[edit | edit source]

Symptoms of Asperger's syndrome include:

  • problems establishing a relationship;
  • emotional sensitivity;
  • fixation on one person or object;
  • lack of imagination;
  • rituals

Associated disorders[edit | edit source]

People with Asperger syndrome also often have associated disorders, which include:

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References[edit | edit source]

HÖSCHL, Cyril. Psychiatrie. První edition. 2004. ISBN 80-900130-7-4.

ROZDOLSKÁ, Lenka. Problémy lidí s Aspergerovým syndromem v sociální komunikaci [online]Hradec Králové, 2017, Available from <>.