Axillary nerve palsy

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Sensitive innervation of the arm

The Nervus axillaris is a short nerve that emerges from the plexus brachialis. He can be hurt quite easily.

It originates from the fasciculus posterior of the brachialis plexus, wraps around the area of ​​the collum chirurgicum humeri and continues on the dorsal side to the foramen humerotricipitale and subsequently to m. deltoid.

Searchtool right.svg For more information see Nervus axillaris.

The most common injuries of the axillary nerve[edit | edit source]

The most common types of paralysis n. axillaris occurs in humeral fracturesin the area of ​​the collum chirurgicum. Furthermore, it can be injured during luxation shoulder joint, or during an injury to the deltoid muscle (blunt impact on the shoulder).

Image of polio[edit | edit source]

Nervus axillaris motorically innervates m. deltoideus and partially m. teres minor. Paralysis of this nerve will disable the function of these muscles. Insufficient momentum m. deltoideus will prevent abduction of the arm to horizontal. This manifests itself in the impossibility of performing everyday movements - e.g. reaching into a pocket, putting a hand in a sleeve, wiping one's lips. Furthermore, there are more frequent subluxations in art. humeri, because the caput humeri is not fixed well enough in the cavitas glenoidalis.

Violation of n. axillaris further means sensation disorder in the regio brachii lateralis (pars superior), which is innervated by its sensitive branch.

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References[edit | edit source]

  • CIHÁK, Radomír. Anatomy 1. 3. edition. Grada Publishing, a.s., 2011. 552 pp. vol. 1. ISBN 978-8-247-3817-8.
  • PETROVICKY, Paul. Anatomy with topography and clinical applications I. : Locomotor system. 1. edition. Osvěta Publishing House, 2001. 463 pp. ISBN 80-8063-046-1.