Basic diagnostic examinations in hematooncology

From WikiLectures

The basic examinations in the diagnosis of hematological malignancies include:

Blood count
Cytological examination of the bone marrow - myelogram
  • in leukemia is to determine dg. sufficient aspiration from sternal puncture + cytological evaluation
Bone marrow histological evaluation
  • blood roll gain by trepanobiopsy
  • more beneficial in processes that do not uniformly affect the entire marrow (malignant lymphoma, myeloma, metastases)

flow-cytometrické vyšetření periferní krve + kostní dřeně

  • the method of flow cytometry can detect clonal proliferation of any series + according to the expression of CD Ag on these bb. to determine dg.
Evidence of lymphadenopathy
Evidence of organ infiltration
  • most sensitive using MRI.

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