Biochemical examinations in psychiatry

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Biochemical examinations do not yet have sufficient support for differential diagnosis. The diagnosis for functional psychoses is mainly according to the clinical psychopathological cases.

Examples of investigated values ​​and their interpretation[edit | edit source]

  • Hypoglycemia – it causes gloomy states with aggressive behaviour. E.g., after an overdose of insulin, after an alcoholic excess, when exhausted
  • Hyperglycemia – coma or neuropathy, neurasthenic syndrome. E.g., starting diabetes
  • Increase in Na and Cl – state of confusion. E.g., not enough fluids, especially in vascular dementia
  • Increase in ALT, ASThepatitis; neurasthenic syndrome of long duration. Acute intoxication with organic solvents or panther cap (Amanita pantherina); psychoses. Alcoholism.
  • Decrease in Fe2+ - e.g., hypochromic anemia; neurasthenic syndrome
  • Decrease in Cu2+ - e.g., hepatolenticular degeneration; (Wilson's disease)
  • Increase in Cu2+ - paranoid psychosis
  • Lithemia - e.g., intoxication during treatment; dysarthria, tremor, diarrhea, then loss of consciousness may happen
  • HyperCHOL and lipids - e.g., AT (ataxia-telangiectasia); neurasthenia, vascular dementia
  • Hyperuremia - e.g., kidney failure; fatigue, drowsiness. Organic psychosyndrome in dialysis patients
  • Porphyrins - acute intermittent porphyria; various symptoms (delirium, aggressiveness...)
  • Folate, B12 - e.g., congenital defect of folate; mental retardation, epilepsy
  • Creatine phosphokinase - abnormal levels cause non-physiological muscle activity
  • ABR disorders - e.g., vomiting in anorexia mentalis; alkalosis, hypokalemia, starvation
  • Neurotransmitter levels:
    • khydroxyindoleacetic acid - serotonin metabolite
    • methoxy-hydroxy-phenylglycol - NA metabolite
    • decrease in levels in paranoid depression
    • increase in MHGP in manic phase
  • Hormone levels:
    • prolactin - its secretion is reduced by dopamine, its level is increased by some neuroleptics (phenothiazines)
  • Functional tests:
    • dexamethasone test - drop in cortisol does not occur in people with periodic depressive disorder
    • TRH test - after application of TRH, there is a smaller rise in TSH in periodic depression than in healthy subjects

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Source[edit | edit source]

  • BENEŠ, Jiří. Studijní materiály [online]. ©2010. [cit. 8.1.2010]. <<>>.