Blood cells (slide)

From WikiLectures

Overview[edit | edit source]

Slide 1[edit | edit source]

Neutrofil 13 upr.jpg

Name: Blood film slide - neutrophil (staining according to Pappenheim)

Description: Neu – neutrophil with typical segmented nucleusm, Ery – erytrocytes,

Tro - trombocytes

Slide 2[edit | edit source]

Eosinofil 2.jpg

Name: Blood film slide - eosinophil (staining according to Pappenheim)

Popis: Eo – eosinophil with typical glasses-like nucleus, Ery – erytrocytes, Tro - trombocytes

Slide 3[edit | edit source]

Bazofil 4.jpg

Name: Blood film slide - basophil (staining according to Pappenheim)

Description: Ba – basophil (granules in cytoplasm completely cover the nucleus), Ery – erytrocytes

Slide 4[edit | edit source]

Lymfocyt 8.jpg

Name: Blood film slide - lymfocyte (staining according to Pappenheim)

Description: Ly – lymfocyte with nucleus and narrow cytoplasm in shape of thin sickle, Ery – erytrocytes,

Tro - trombocytes

Slide 5[edit | edit source]

Monocyt 4.jpg

Name: Blood film slide - monocyte (staining according to Pappenheim)

Description: Mo – monocyte with kidney-like nucleus, Ery – erytrocytes, Tro - trombocytes

Slide 6[edit | edit source]

Neu a eo.jpg

Name: Blood film slide (staining according to Pappenheim)

Description: Neu – neutrophil (segmented nucleus), Eo – eosinophil (glasses-like nucleus and appearing red cytoplasm), Ery – erytrocytes, Tro - trombocytes

Slide 7[edit | edit source]

Neu a mono 3.jpg

Name: Blood film slide (staining according to Pappenheim)

Description: Neu – neutrofil (segmented nucleus), Mo – monocyte (the biggest blood cell, kidney-like nucleus), Ery – erytrocytes, Tro - trombocytes

Slide 8[edit | edit source]


Name: Blood film slide – blood sample with immature neutrophils (staining according to Pappenheim)

Description: Ty - in Czech "tyčky" = immature neutrophils

Slide 9[edit | edit source]

Erytrocyt EM.JPG

Name: Capillary – electronogram

Description: 1 – erytrocyte in the transverse section (biscuit shaped), 2 – trombocyte, 3 – nucleus of the endothelial cell,

4 – cytoplasm of the endothelial cell, 5 - collagen fibrils in longitudinal and transverse section

Slide 10[edit | edit source]

Eosinofil EM upr.jpg

Name: Eosinophil – electronogram

Description: 1 - nucleus, 2 – granules (dense center is so-called internum or marrow, light cover is so-called

externum or matrix)

Slide 11[edit | edit source]

Lymfocyt EM upr.jpg

Name: Lymfocyte – electronogram

Description: 1 - nucleus, 2 - thin rim of the cytoplasm

Slide 12[edit | edit source]

1280px-Kostní dřeň 3.jpg

Name: Bone marrow – film slide (staining according to Pappenheim)

Description: K – blood cells – a mixture of different stages of development of the red blood cells, white blood cells and megakaryocytes,

T – fat cells

Links[edit | edit source]

Study materials for this slide[edit | edit source]