Breakdown of vaccination in the Czech Republic

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In the Czech Republic, vaccination is "established by the regulations of the Ministry of Health" (MOH) and managed (organized, planned, controlled) by the "epidemiologists of the relevant health institutes". It is carried out by "practitioners", mainly paediatricians.

Vaccinations are divided into:

  1. regular',
    in persons who have reached a certain age (diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, rubella, mumps, measles, poliomyelitis, hepatitis B, Haemophilus influenzae B - HIb),
    Searchtool right.svg For more information see Regular vaccinations in the Czech Republic.
  2. strange,
    for persons who are exposed to a higher risk of infection' (TB, hepatitis B, rabies, tick-borne encephalitis during their work ; an example could be the vaccination of medical students against hepatitis B);
  3. extraordinary,
    certain groups of people who find themselves in a situation where there is an increased risk of a certain infection' - e.g. vaccination against VHA during floods in the affected area, a booster dose against mumps, rubella and measles in 10-11 year old children (decrease in antibodies), the risk is evaluated by the Ministry of Health or the regional epidemiologist;
  4. before leaving for a foreign country'' and for persons who come from abroad,
    according to internationally valid regulations' or based on requirements of individual countries; currently valid for yellow fever - vaccination before arrival from endemic countries or after arrival from endemic areas to countries where yellow fever does not occur but the potential vector, Aedes aegypti is present '; (recommended are Japanese encephalitis, plague, typhoid, cholera in persons with occupational exposure to infested areas);
  5. in accidents, injuries and non-healing wounds,
    tetanus, rabies (depending on the circumstances with possible passive immunization from a vital indication);
  6. in the focus of infection,
    susceptible individuals in an outbreak (measles, meningococcus, meningitis);
  7. at the request of persons,
    tick-borne encephalitis, influenza, meningococcus, hepatitis A, papillomavirus, pneumococcal infections, rotavirus-induced gastroenteritis.

Vaccination calendar valid from 1.11.2010[edit | edit source]

Age Mandatory vaccinations (from 1.11.2010)[1] Optional vaccinations[2]
4 days – 6 weeks tuberculosis (only in indicated cases)
6 weeks rotavirus (1st dose)
2 months hexavaccine (1st dose from week 9) pneumococcus (1st dose)

rotavirus (2nd dose – 1 month apart)

3 months hexavaccine (2nd dose – 1 month apart) pneumococcus (2nd dose – 1 month apart)

rotavirus (3rd dose – 1 month apart)

4 month hexavaccine (3rd dose – 1 month apart) pneumococcus (3rd dose – 1 month apart)
10 months hexavaccine (4th dose – 6 months apart)
11-15 months pneumococcus (vaccination)
15 months MMR (1st dose) chicken pox (1st dose)
21-25 months MMR (2nd dose – 6-10 months apart) chicken pox (2nd dose)
5 years 1. revaccination: diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis
10 years 2. revaccination: diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, polio
13 years girls: papillomavirus (3 doses)
20-25 years tetanus (7th dose)

Links[edit | edit source]

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References[edit | edit source]

  1. DECREE (č. 299/2010) of 25 October 2010 on vaccination against infectious diseases.
  2. Česká vakcinologická společnost ČLS JEP. Očkování v ČR [online]. ©2013. [cit. 2014-02-07]. <>.

References[edit | edit source]

  • GEIZEROVÁ, Helena, et al. Epidemiologie – vybrané kapitoly pro seminární a praktická cvičení. 1. edition. Praha : Karolinum, 1995. 83 pp. pp. 68-69. ISBN 80-7184-179-X.