Bronchial asthma therapy / PGS (VPL)

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The basic goal of therapy is to achieve and maintain control of asthma.

Keeping control of asthma[edit | edit source]

In the clinic, fulfilment of all the following conditions means:

  • no or minimal (up to a maximum of twice per week) daily symptoms
  • no restrictions on daily activities,
  • no nocturnal symptoms,
  • no or minimal (up to 2× per week) need for relief drugs,
  • normal lung function
  • no exacerbations.

Difficulty in treating asthma[edit | edit source]

About 5% of asthmatics do not achieve and maintain asthma under control, which we refer to as difficult-to-treat asthma (OIA).

Complex treatment of asthma[edit | edit source]

In addition to medication, it also includes:

  • education and training of patients with a written elaboration of an individual treatment action plan explaining the importance and goals of individual steps.

Regular outpatient visits[edit | edit source]

Pneumologist/allergist at regular check-ups:

  • physical examination and examination of the lung function,
  • control and consolidation of acquired habits and knowledge.
  • The specialist also verifies the diagnosis at the beginning of the disease.

The ongoing care and supervision of the treatment plans may also be carried out by a general practitioner.

Non-pharmacological prevention or regimen measures[edit | edit source]

Limiting exposure to risk factors (inducers of asthma, triggers of exacerbations) is essential.

Pharmacotherapy[edit | edit source]

Two groups of drugs:

  1. Relief anti-asthmatics (rapid-acting bronchodilators) − are given in case of acute problems:
    • β2-agonists with rapid onset of action (RABA = rapid-acting beta agonists):
      • phenoterol, salbutamol and terbutaline (short-acting inhaled β2-agonists (SABA),
      • formoterol (LABA = long-acting inhaled β2-agonists).
  2. Controlling, preventive anti-asthmatics − against inflammation of the airways, are taken regularly, on the daily and for a long-term basis (even when the problem is reduced or resolved).
    • inhaled corticosteroids (ICS) − have the most pronounced anti-inflammatory effect, being the basis and first-line drug
    • antileukotrienes, methylxanthines (theophyllines) and partly LABA (salmeterol and formoterol) − supporting anti-inflammatory effect,
    • systemic (p.o.) corticosteroid use − in some patients with severe forms (OIA) is necessary − such asthma is known as cortico-dependent asthma.

Equipotent doses of inhaled steroids used in the Czech Republic

Dose IKS (μg) Short adults Short children Medium


Medium children Tall adults Tall


BDP (beclomethasone dipropionate) 200–500 100–200 > 500–1000 > 200–400 > 1000–2000 > 400
BUD (budesonide) 200–400 100–200 > 400–800 > 200–400 > 800–1600 > 400
CIC (ciclesonide) 80–160 80–160 > 160–320 > 160–320 > 320–1280 > 320
FP (flutikasone propionate) 100–250 100–200 > 250–500 > 200–500 > 500–1000 > 500

BUD and CIC can be administered in a single daily dose.

Dosage and combination of drugs[edit | edit source]

We choose them according to the severity and response to the previous treatment - we step up.

Tiered pharmacotherapy of asthma - Children over 5 years of age, adolescents and adults.

Stage specifications the first choice therapy alternative therapy
1 monotherapy RABA SAMA
after SABA
after LABA
after theophyllines with short-term effect
2 monotherapy ICS (low dose) Antileukotrien
3 Combination – choose one combination ICS (low dose) + LABA ICS (medium/high dose)
ICS (low dose) + theophylline SR
ICS (low dose) + Antileukotrien
4 Combination – add other 1/more drugs ICS (medium/high dose) + LABA + Antileukotrien
+ theophylline SR
5 Combination – add one/both drugs Like stage 4 + Corticosteroids p.o. (low dose)
+ Anti-IgE

Once asthma control is achieved, the dose and intensity should not decrease to a lower level of pharmacotherapy until at least 3 months after control.

Specific allergen immunotherapy or vaccination (SAIT)[edit | edit source]

The indication and implementation is handled by an allergist - indicated by asthmatics that are:

  • defined trigger allergen,
  • lacking clinical link to multiple allergens,
  • asthma has been under control for a long time

This induces tolerance to the causative allergen.

References[edit | edit source]

Related articles[edit | edit source]

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External references[edit | edit source]

Literature[edit | edit source]

  • SALAJKA, František. Asthma bronchiale : Doporučený diagnostický a léčebný postup pro všeobecné praktické lékaře [online] . 1. vydání. Praha : Společnost všeobecného lékařství ČLS JEP, 2008. Dostupné také z <>. ISBN 978-80-86998-26-8.
  • SALAJKA, F, S KONŠTACKÝ a V KAŠÁK. Asthma bronchiale : Doporučený diagnostický a léčebný postup pro praktické lékaře. 1. vydání. Praha : Centrum doporučených postupů pro praktické lékaře, 2005. 
  • SALAJKA, F, V KAŠÁK a P POHUNEK. Diagnostika, léčba a prevence průduškového astmatu v České republice : Uvedení globální strategie do praxe. 1. vydání. Praha : Jalna, 2008.