Cognitive behavioral therapy

From WikiLectures

Cognitive-behavioral therapy ( CBT ) is currently one of the most common psychotherapeutic directions. Therapy was created in the second half of the 20th century from the basics of cognitive and behavioral therapy, expands the original focus of behavioral therapy, focuses on the process of learning and its use in treatment. He takes into account thought practices, opinions and attitudes and works with them. He assumes that a change in thinking can be induced by a change in behavior. It is used for anxiety disorders, depressed disorders and others.

Principles[edit | edit source]

Behavioral therapy assumes that behavioral disorders are learned reactions and can therefore be retrained. Cognitive therapy builds on the theory that emotional disorders are the result of a thought disorder. The combination of the two therapies creates KBT. It works with a precisely defined patient problem.

Methods[edit | edit source]

Exposure is one of the most used methods. For example, a patient with a social phobia is gradually exposed to his fear with increasing intensity. Furthermore, patients learn how to handle difficult situations, first „ to an impurity “ with a therapist, later alone. Positive feedback is strengthened. Stress situations and relaxation techniques are practiced.

In general, KBT is one of the most effective methods of psychotherapy. However, an active approach of a patient who is motivated to change is important. The number of sessions usually does not exceed 20 and their frequency is usually once a week. Therapy is turned to the present and especially the future, unlike e.g. deep-sea psychotherapy.

Specialized rehabilitation software solutions are used to treat cognitive impairment, which are an example of instrumentation for the so-called. telerehabilitation.

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Source[edit | edit source]

  • BENEŠ, Jiří. Studijní materiály [online]. [cit. 2011]. <>.
  • VESELKA, Jonáš. Stránky České společnosti KBT [online]. [cit. 2011-06-24
  • HOSÁK, Ladislav a Michal HRDLIČKA, et al. Psychiatrie a pedopsychiatrie. 1. vydání. 2015. ISBN 9788024629988.]. <>.
