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Structure of the epididymis: A = head, B = body, C = tail, D = fallopian tube
Transverse section through ductus epididymidis

Epididymis is one of the male reproductive organs. It is located on the upper side of the testicle and partly insists on the back side. On the underside of the testis it curves backwards and passes smoothly into the fallopian tube (ductus deferens).

In the anterior part of the epididymis (the head) we can observe several - about 8-12 ducts, which subsequently merge into a single multiply coiled duct of the epididymis (ductus epididymidis), which forms the body and tail of the epididymis.

We can observe special formations on the epididymis:

  • Appendix epididymidis = remnant of Wolff's outlet
  • Paradidymis = remnant of the mesonephros ducts in the head region of the epididymis
  • Ductuli aberrantes = remains of mesonephros in the body and tail region of this organ

The epididymis is supplied with blood from an artery separating from the a. testicularis. The blood is subsequently drained into the venous plexus pampiniformis.

Function of the epididymis[edit | edit source]

This organ, which belongs to the male reproductive system, serves for approximately 14 days as a reservoir of sperm - during this time, maturation, acquisition of the ability to move and fertilization of the egg occurs. The formation of mucous secretion occurs here, which serves for the metabolism of sperm.

Diseases of the epididymis[edit | edit source]


Painful, unpleasant, often arises in connection with a urinary tract infection. The main symptoms include redness, increased temperature, swelling and vomiting sensations.

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Used literature[edit | edit source]

  • LANGMEIER, Miloš, et al. Základy lékařské fyziologie. 1. edition. Grada Publishing, a. s, 2009. 320 pp. ISBN 978-80-247-2526-0.
  • ČIHÁK, Radomír. Anatomie 3. 2. edition. Grada Publishing, 2004. 692 pp. ISBN 978-80-247-1132-4.
  • ČIHÁK, Radomír – GRIM, Miloš. Anatomie. 2. 3. edition. Grada, 2013. ISBN 9788024747880.
  • KITTNAR, Otomar, et al. Lékařská fyziologie. 1. edition. Grada, 2011. 790 pp. ISBN 978-80-247-3068-4.