Establishing a diagnosis

From WikiLectures

The correct treatment must be preceded by correct diagnosis. Diagnosis is a complex process that has its own specifics and consists of several sub-steps. These are:

  1. history (personal data, family history, personal history, pharmacological history, allergic history, abusive history, occupational history, social history, gynecological history, present illness);
  2. physical examination (inspection, auscultation, touch, percussion, per rectum examination, odor evaluation, height, weight, body temperature, blood pressure, heart rate and respiratory rate);
  3. working diagnosis/differential diagnostic balance sheet;
  4. other examination methods (blood count, spirometry, posterior chest scan, etc.);
  5. final diagnosis;
  6. treatment.

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References[edit | edit source]

  • CHROBÁK, Ladislav, et al. Propedeutika vnitřního lékařství. 2. vydání. Praha : GRADA Publishing, 2007. 243 s. s. 127-128. ISBN 978-80-247-1309-0.
  • ZELENKOVÁ, Jitka, et al. Pracovní text z Interní propedeutiky [online]. ©1999. Poslední revize 2002, [cit. 2010-05-27]. <>.


Kategorie:Vnitřní lékařství Kategorie:Interní propedeutika