Exam questions in biophysics (practicum) (1st Faculty of the UK, UK)

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Below you will find frequent and popular questions that are asked during the continuous examination of biophysics practicals.

Electricity[edit | edit source]

  • draw and describe the I/t curve
  • draw and describe the I/t curve of rectangular and slanted impulses, say which part of the curve we are interested in and which of the two impulses is used and why
  • what if rheobase, how long does it last (catch - however long)
  • what is chronaxia
  • explain DD and IF currents and what they are used for
  • what is impedance and how is it expressed by the formula

EKG[edit | edit source]

  • draw and describe the curve
  • be able to describe it even after turning 180°
  • electrical line of the heart - what is it, draw, units, physiological range, where will the vector go in obese people
  • the difference between the electrode and the lead
  • know the types of leads, which color belongs where on the body
  • drawing a unipolar lead, e.g. on the right hand (place a 5kΩ resistor in advance!)
  • Einthoven's triangle

Acoustic[edit | edit source]

  • decibel - what is it, how is it calculated
  • what units do we use to determine the range of audibility (dB and Hz) and their range
  • threshold of audibility of the human ear
  • how is it with the frequency, for example, of the bass - if it has to be lowered or raised in order to be heard

Spectrophotometry[edit | edit source]

  • range of visible light
  • colors at the ends of the spectrum
  • what is above and below the level of visible light (= know the spectrum)
  • formula for calculating photon energy and wavelenght

Ultrasound[edit | edit source]

  • mechanic undulation
  • causes micro massage
  • how the image is created

Optics[edit | edit source]

Heat, Temperature[edit | edit source]

Radiation[edit | edit source]

  • what is fractionation, when is it used (irradiation of tumors) and after what doses (2Gy)
  • units - Becquerel, Gray, Sievert - to which quantities belong (explain) and conversion to SI
  • the principle of gamma radiation absorption

Breathing & circulation[edit | edit source]

  • What is Korotkoff phenomena why, when and how it occurs, how blood flows in veins normally and what happens when measuring pressure (explain the flow of liquid in a tube)
  • What is the Reynolds number, how do we calculate it and derive it
  • Spirometry - what we find during which measurement, what are the results for obstruction and restriction
  • chart for spirometry - vital lung capacity etc.