Gene-environment interactions

From WikiLectures


Common diseases such as diabetes, cancer, cardiovascular diseases, mental disorders, and neurodegenerative disorders are the main causes of mortality in developed countries.

These disease usually don't show a simple pattern of inheritance, but rather are a manifestation of both genetic and environmental factors.

It is very uncommon for genetic factors or environmental factors to be the sole cause of a disease, although some examples exist :

  • Duchenne muscular dystrophy - exclusively genetic disorder, where environment plays little to no role.
  • Infectious diseases - almost entirely based on environmental factors.
  • Thus we can view the manifestation of most common diseases as a combination of genetic factors and external environmental factors.

Genetic susceptibility to common disease

  • As said, most common diseases result from a combination of :
  • Polygenic inheritance - complex interaction of different genes.
  • Multifactorial inheritance - environmental factors and influences.
  • Some individuals may be more susceptible to certain diseases than others, due to an inherited abnormal gene.
  • Example : in the case of familial hypercholesterolemia (FH) - the FH gene is involved in a metabolic pathway. A mutation in this gene can lead to an early coronary artery disease. Yet, this susceptibility can either be magnified or reduced by environmental factors : reduced cholesterol diet,  obesity, exercise, smoking.

Reference :

Emery's elements of medical genetics - 14th edition.

Thieme - genetics color atlas.