Genital exposure

From WikiLectures

Exposing the genitals in public is an offense committed by men. Such behavior is prosecuted according to §358 of the Criminal Code (riot): "Whoever commits gross indecency or disorder in public or in a place accessible to the public, in particular by attacking another, desecrating a grave, historical or cultural monument, or rudely disrupting the preparation or progress sports match, assembly or ceremony of people….”. The penalty can be up to 2 years in prison.

Genital exposures ( indecent exposures ) have three basic forms:

  1. Typical exhibitions. An exhibitionist exposes himself in front of grown women or pubescent girls. motivated to act like this He is compulsively and has no aggressive tendencies. Contact with the victim is avoided.
  2. Stripping in front of children signals the perpetrator's pedophile tendencies. Often such a man tries for some form of rapprochement with children.
  3. Atypical genital exposures are characteristic elements of aggression in the exhibitor's behavior. They are manifested either verbally or by trying to physically attack the object.

The generally accepted myth about the alleged low risk of genital exposures is not true. to report and conduct a thorough sexological examination We consider it necessary of these men. Not so much in terms of criminal penalties. After all, the real damages here tend to be moral rather than factual in nature. However, the investigation should identify those exposed who have aggressive tendencies and those who have pedophilic tendencies. These two categories of offenders are dangerous. They require special care and supervision.

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Autor: doc. MUDr. Jaroslav Zvěřina, CSc. (přednosta Sexuologického ústavu 1. LF a VFN)Kategorie:Vložené články Kategorie:Sexuologie