Health and social characteristics of the child-age population

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Health characteristic[edit | edit source]

Among the most serious problems of childhood are factors that increase the mortality rate of the child population - mainly injuries and poisoning.

Mortality (death rate)[edit | edit source]

Infant mortality[edit | edit source]

The first year of life is highly specific, it can be stated that in this period the main cause of death is asphyxia or hypoxia , which can be caused both by serious deviations in the respiratory system and in the cardiovascular system. This is often associated with a lower gestational age at birth, a low or very low birth weight, congenital developmental defects, etc. Some defects cannot be detected prenatally, they become apparent only after birth, some are and some are not compatible with life. The first year of life is the year of "viability" of individuals.

Mortality in the category 1–14 years[edit | edit source]

From one year of life through childhood, adolescence, adolescence and the beginning of working age, the most common cause of death is injury or poisoning. In the age category of 1-14 years, it is reported that an average of 200-230 children die annually from injuries and poisoning. For all other causes of death, less than three hundred children. The share of injuries and poisonings in mortality increases with age.

Morbidity (disease)[edit | edit source]

The most common childhood disease is tooth decay. This is followed by diseases of the respiratory tract - especially the upper respiratory tract. In the first year of age still diarrheal diseases. Accidents also play their part.

The share increases:

  • allergies (according to various sources, 25-30% of children suffer from some form of allergy);
  • overweight to obesity (our population ranks high in Europe);
  • orthopedic deviations – faulty body posture and flat feet;
  • there is a significant increase in children in child psychiatrists' clinics;
  • children with LMD, with behavioral disorders, educational disorders, etc.;
  • violence is increasing, the influence of media and computer games is clearly visible;
  • seriously disabled children after injury or poisoning.

Social characteristics[edit | edit source]

"Social scissors are opening" - the differences between the rich and the poor are increasing, the number of children living below the subsistence level is increasing (approx. 5% of families), many families are unable to take care of a child for social and economic reasons, stress and anxiety are increasing, there is an increase psychosocial problems.

Risk factors for other health conditions[edit | edit source]

  • age- newborns, infants, adolescents, old people (closer to a separate question);
  • prenatal – genetics, VVV;
  • natal - forceps delivery, vacuum extractor, caesarean section, complications during childbirth, birth weight, low gestational age.

Links[edit | edit source]

References[edit | edit source]

  • Lecture "Health and social characteristics of the child-age population", doc. MD Lubomír Kukla, CSc., Institute of Public Health and Medical Law, 1st Faculty of Medicine, Charles University in Prague.

Category: Medical law Catgeory: Ethics