< Histology MCQs
1 Which function do have azurophilic granules in leukocytes?
2 Diameter of basophilic erythroblast is:
3 Diameter of megakaryocyte is:
4 Diameter of myeloblast is:
5 Diameter of orthochromatophilic erythroblast is:
6 Diameter of proerythroblast is:
7 What is a a differential blood count (leucogram):
8 What are dimensions of an average red blood cell?
9 Except one, all below mentioned cells are differentiated monocytes. Which of them is the exception?
10 How is called first morphologically distinguishable stage of development of red blood cells?
11 How many of basophils are in the blood?
12 How many of eosinophils are in the blood?
13 How many of lymphocytes are in the blood?
14 How many of monocytes are in the blood?
15 How many of neutrophilic bands are in the blood?
16 How many of neutrophils are in the blood?
17 How many platelets (trombocytes) are in the blood?
18 Which important compounds are inside specific granules of basophlis?
19 In which stage occur changes of nuclear morphology which are hallmark of granulocytes?
20 In which stage starts production of specific granules?
21 Which stage of development of red blood cells is last stage sensitive to erythropoietin (EPO)?
22 Life-span of the red blood cell is around:
23 Main difference between the blood plasma and serum is:
24 Major basic protein (MBP) is main part of specific granules of:
25 How is called pathological condition where red blood cells of pathological shapes are present?
26 Platelets (trombocytes) are not assumed to be cells because:
27 Which of following statements about platelets is not true?
28 In which structure is first site of production of red blood cells in the embryo?
29 The best definition of the hematocrit (HCT) is:
30 Which anions are the most common in the blood plasma?
31 Which cation has the highest concentration in the blood plasma?
32 Which is a diameter of the monocyte?
33 Which is a diameter of the neutrophil?
34 What is a leukocyte?
35 What is main function of buffer systems in the blood?
36 Which hormone or cytokine simulates formation of platelets?
37 Which hormone or cytokine simulates formation of red blood cells?
38 Which hormone or cytokine simulates maturation of granulocytes?
39 Which of below mentioned cells is not able to undergo mitosis?
40 Which of following cells is the least differentiated?
41 Which of statements below describes B lymphocytes the best?
42 Which of statements below describes T lymphocytes the best?
43 Which statement about development of the megakaryocyte is correct?
44 Which statement about monocytes is false?
45 Which type of tissue serves as a supportive structure for hematopoiesis in the bone marrow?