Histology MCQs/Blood and Hematopoiesis

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Blausen 0909 WhiteBloodCells (notext).png

1 Which function do have azurophilic granules in leukocytes?

Derivatives of the smooth endoplasmic reticulum
Derivatives of the cytoskeleton
Cell inclusions

2 Diameter of basophilic erythroblast is:

6 to 8 μm
10 to 16 μm
20 μm
22 to 25 μm

3 Diameter of megakaryocyte is:

5 to 20 μm
20 to 50 μm
50 to 150 μm
150 to 1000 μm

4 Diameter of myeloblast is:

1 to 5 μm
5 to 10 μm
10 to 15 μm
15 to 20 μm

5 Diameter of orthochromatophilic erythroblast is:

6 to 8 μm
8 to 10 μm
10 to 18 μm
20 to 25 μm

6 Diameter of proerythroblast is:

20 μm
40 μm
60 μm
80 μm

7 What is a a differential blood count (leucogram):

Relative frequency of all formed blood elements
Absolute number of all formed blood elements
Relative frequency of white blood cells
Absolute number of white blood cells

8 What are dimensions of an average red blood cell?

Diameter 7.5 μm, maximal thickness 2.6 μm, thickness in the middle 0.8 μm
Diameter 10 μm, maximal thickness 1.6 μm, thickness in the middle 0.1 μm
Diameter 7.5 μm, maximal thickness 1.6 μm, thickness in the middle 0.8 μm
Diameter 10 μm, maximal thickness 2.6 μm, thickness in the middle 0.1 μm

9 Except one, all below mentioned cells are differentiated monocytes. Which of them is the exception?

Goblet cell
Kupfer's cell

10 How is called first morphologically distinguishable stage of development of red blood cells?

Polychromatophilic erythroblast
Ortochromatophilic erythroblast
Basophilic erythroblast

11 How many of basophils are in the blood?

0 to 1 % of all WBC's
3 to 5 % of all WBC's
20 to 30 % of all WBC's
60 to 70 % of all WBC's

12 How many of eosinophils are in the blood?

0 to 1 % of all WBC's
2 to 5 % of all WBC's
20 to 30 % of all WBC's
60 to 70 % of all WBC's

13 How many of lymphocytes are in the blood?

3 to 5 % of all WBC's
5 to 20 % of all WBC's
20 to 40 % of all WBC's
60 to 70 % of all WBC's

14 How many of monocytes are in the blood?

1 to 3 % of all WBC's
2 to 10 % of all WBC's
20 to 30 % of all WBC's
60 to 70 % of all WBC's

15 How many of neutrophilic bands are in the blood?

0 to 1 % of all WBC's
2 to 5 % of all WBC's
60 to 70 % of all WBC's
20 to 30 % of all WBC's

16 How many of neutrophils are in the blood?

0 to 1 % of all WBC's
3 to 5 % of all WBC's
20 to 30 % of all WBC's
60 to 70 % of all WBC's

17 How many platelets (trombocytes) are in the blood?

15 000 to 40 000 in mm³
150 000 to 400 000 in mm³
1.5 000 000 to 4 000 000 in mm³
15 000 000 to 40 000 000 in mm³

18 Which important compounds are inside specific granules of basophlis?

Heparine a histamine

19 In which stage occur changes of nuclear morphology which are hallmark of granulocytes?


20 In which stage starts production of specific granules?


21 Which stage of development of red blood cells is last stage sensitive to erythropoietin (EPO)?

Polychromatophilic erythroblast
Ortochromatophilic erythroblast
Basophilic erythroblast

22 Life-span of the red blood cell is around:

3 to 5 days
50 days
80 days
120 days

23 Main difference between the blood plasma and serum is:

Plasma does not contain proteins involved in blood clotting
Serum does not contain proteins involved in blood clotting
Plasma does not contain albumin and prealbumin
Serum does not contain albumin and prealbumin

24 Major basic protein (MBP) is main part of specific granules of:

All granulocytes

25 How is called pathological condition where red blood cells of pathological shapes are present?


26 Platelets (trombocytes) are not assumed to be cells because:

Bad formulation of the question, platelets are cells
They are fragments of cytoplasm of the megakaryocyte
It was states so in the past
They have no nuclei

27 Which of following statements about platelets is not true?

alpha (α) granules contain proteins involved in blood clotting
delta (δ) granules contain ATP. ADP. serotonin and calcium
lamda (λ) granules contain hydrolytic enzymes
mu (µ) granules contain myeloperoxidase

28 In which structure is first site of production of red blood cells in the embryo?

Wall of the yolk sack
Bone marrow

29 The best definition of the hematocrit (HCT) is:

Volume percentage of the blood occupied by formed blood elements
Mass percentage of the blood occupied by formed blood elements
Total volume of the blood occupied by formed blood elements
Total mass of the blood occupied by formed blood elements

30 Which anions are the most common in the blood plasma?

SO42- a Cl-
H2PO4- a HSiO4-
Cl- a HCO3-
HCO3- a HSiO4-

31 Which cation has the highest concentration in the blood plasma?


32 Which is a diameter of the monocyte?

6 to 8 μm
10 to 12 μm
12 to 20 μm
16 to 18 μm

33 Which is a diameter of the neutrophil?

6 to 8 μm
10 to 12 μm
12 to 20 μm
16 to 18 μm

34 What is a leukocyte?

Activated white blood cell
Quiescent white blood cell
Immature white blood cell
Any white blood cell

35 What is main function of buffer systems in the blood?

Blood buffer is curiosity of biophysical chemistry, but it is out of physiological importance
They are involved in regulation of pH on value related to the actual need of the organism
They are involved in regulation of pH on strict value
There is nothing like buffers inside the blood

36 Which hormone or cytokine simulates formation of platelets?

Interleukin 6

37 Which hormone or cytokine simulates formation of red blood cells?

Erytropoietin (Epo)
Interleukin 1 (IL 1)
Interleukin 6 (IL 6)

38 Which hormone or cytokine simulates maturation of granulocytes?

SCF (stem cell factor)
Interleukin 5 (IL 5)

39 Which of below mentioned cells is not able to undergo mitosis?

Orthochromatophilic erythroblast
Polychromatophilic erythroblast
Bazophilic erythroblast

40 Which of following cells is the least differentiated?


41 Which of statements below describes B lymphocytes the best?

B lymphocytes has nucleus composed of lobules
B lymphocytes are precursors of plasma cells
B lymphocytes has fagocytic activity
B lymphocytes produce antibodies

42 Which of statements below describes T lymphocytes the best?

We have different types of T lymphocytes according to their function
Mature T lymphocytes are released from the bone marrow
T lymphocytes has nucleus composed of lobules
T lymphocytes are usually two-nucleated

43 Which statement about development of the megakaryocyte is correct?

It is a result of both endomitosis and fusion of precursor cells, but endomitosis dominates
It is a result of both endomitosis and fusion of precursor cells, but fusion dominates
It is a result of endomitotic division of precursor cell
It is a result of fusion of precursor cells

44 Which statement about monocytes is false?

Except in very exceptional cases. they have a round nucleus
They circulate in the peripheral blood few days only
They can differentiate in macrophages
They have 15 to 20 μm in diameter

45 Which type of tissue serves as a supportive structure for hematopoiesis in the bone marrow?

Jelly-like connective tissue
Reticular connective tissue
Elastic connective tissue
Connective tissue proper

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