Histology MCQs/Cardiovascular System

From WikiLectures
This is myocardial infarction. Don't worry, myocardial infarction is topic for 3rd year.

1 All but one of following cell addhesions are common in the intercalated disck. Which is not common?

Zonula occludens
Fascia adherens
Gap junction

2 All but one of following vessels does not contain valves. Which one does contain valves?

Great saphenous vein
Inferior vena cava
Renal artery
Azygos vein

3 Are there valves in lymphatic vessels?

Yes, they are
Yes, they are, but in the thoracic duct only
Yes, they can be here, but as an anatomical variant only
No, they are not

4 Arteries of elastic type are mainly: (i.e., "Which arteries are arteries of elastic type?")

The biggest arterioles, usually without anatomical name
In our species, all arteries are of elastic type
Middle-sized arteries, e.g. radial artery
The biggest arteries, mainly aorta

5 'Arteries of muscular type are mainly:

The biggest arterioles, usually without anatomical name
In our species, all arteries are of muscular type
Middle-sized arteries, e.g. radial artery
The biggest arteries, mainly aorta

6 Of which cells is composed conducting system of the heart?

Cells which are similar to cardiac muscle cells, but they originated in the neural crest
Cells which are similar to bipolar neurons, but they are of mesenchymal origin
Modified cardiac muscle cells
Modified smooth muscle cells

7 Do cardiac muscle cells produce some hormones?

Yes, for example the atrial natriuretic factor (ANF)
Yes, for example the erythropoietin (EPO)
Yes, for example the trombopoietin (TPO)
No, they don't produce hormones

8 Does tunica adventitia of big veins contain elastic fibers?

Yes, it does
No, it does not
Yes, it does, but in cavae veins only
Yes, it does, but as an anatomical variant only

9 How big are cells of conducting system of the heart?

They are of roughly of the same size in all parts of the conducting system
It depends on the site, the biggest cells are in the Purkyně's fibers
It depends on the site, the biggest cells are in the sinoatrial node
It depends on the site, the biggest cells are in the bundle of His

10 How does look the basement membrane of lymphatic capillaries?

It is continuous and well developed
It is continuous, but very thin
It is discontinouos
It does not exist

11 How many elastic membranes are in the tunica media of aorta?

Usually around 10
Usually around 50
Usually around 100
Usually around 500

12 How to describe the shape of the cardiac muscle cell?

Cardiac muscle cell is of cylindrical shape, but can have branches
Cardiac muscle cell is a fiber with several nuclei
Cardiac muscle cell is irregular star-shaped
Cardiac muscle cell is spindle-shaped

13 It is possible that damaged myocardium of adult fully regenerates (undergoes restitutio ad integrum)?

Yes, it is possible
Yes, it is possible, but only myocardium of ventricles has this ability
Yes, it is possible, but only some people have this ability
No, it is not possible

14 Main cells of tunica media of majority of vessels are:

Longitudinally arranged striated muscle cells
Longitudinally arranged smooth muscle cells
Circularly arranged striated muscle cells
Circularly arranged smooth muscle cells

15 Which is main tissue of the cardiac skeleton?

There is no structure called "cardiac skeleton"
Dense connective tissue
Hyaline cartilage

16 The innermost layer of the heart is called:


17 What is an angiongenesis?

Budding if new vessels from existing vessels under pathological condition only
Budding of new vessels from existing vessels during development or adulthood
Abnormal differentiation of new vessels during the embryonic development
Differentiation of new vessels durign embryonic development

18 What does it means that endothelial cells have ability to perform transcytosis? (i.e., "What is a transcytosis?")

Organelles of endothelial cells are shared, especially mitochondria are shared intensively and travel from a cell to a cell
They allow to white blood cells cross to leave the blood not only inbetween endothelial cells, but alsou through the cells
They transport compounds throuhg the cytoplasm from one side of the cell to the second side inside endocytic vesilces
Molecular pattern on the blood surface is dynamic and depends strongly on processes in deeper layers of the vessel

19 What is main function of carotid sinus?

Receptor of the oxygen partial pressure of oxygen
Receptor of the carbon dioxide partial pressure
Receptor of the blood pressure
Receptor of the blood pH

20 What are Weibel-Palade bodies?

They are granules in cells in the subendothelial connective tissue containing von Wilebrand factor (protein of blood clotting cascade) and P-selectine
They are granules in cells in the subendothelial connective tissue containing enzymes and substrates for production of nitric oxide (NO)
They are granules in endothelial cells containing von Wilebrand factor (protein of blood clotting cascade) and P-selectine
They are granules in endothelial cells containing enzymes and substrates for production of nitric oxide (NO)

21 What is a vaskulogenesis?

Budding if new vessels from existing vessels under pathological condition only
Budding of new vessels from existing vessels during development or adulthood
Abnormal differentiation of new vessels during the embryonic development
Differentiation of new vessels durign embryonic development

22 Where do we find pericytes?

In the wall of capillaries
In the wall of all vessels
In the wall of arteries
In the wall of veins

23 Where takes place the membrana elastica interna?

On border between tunica media and tunica adventitia of arteries
On border between tunica media and tunica adventitia of veins
On border between tunica intima and tunica media of arteries
On border between tunica intima and tunica media of veins

24 Which is common diameter of the capillary?

5 to 20 µm
20 to 50 µm
50 to 100 µm
100 to 200 µm

25 Which of following statements describes endothelial cell the most accurate?

Flat, polygonal, elongated in the direction of blood flow
Irregular, prone to overlap other endothelial cells
Cuboidal, regular, with radial symmetry
Flat, with long processes

26 Which organ contains capillaries with continuous endothelium?

Small intestine
Skeletal muscle
Thyroid gland

27 Which organ contains capillaries with fenestrated endothelium?

Connective tissue
Chorioid plexus

28 Which organ contains sinusoids (sinusoidal capillaries)?

Large intestine
Uterine muscle
Bone marrow

29 Which structure is on the border between tunica media and tunica adventitia in brachial artery?

Membrana fibromuscularis interna
Membrana fibromuscularis externa
Membrana elastica externa
Membrana elastica interna

30 Which type of capillaries has discontinuous basement membrane?

Sinusoids (sinusoidal capillaries) and fenestrated capillaries
All capillaries have discontinuous basement membrane
Capillaries with fenestrated endothelium
Sinusoids (sinusoidal capillaries)

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