Histology MCQs/Clinically Oriented Questions A

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The Doctor (Luke Fildes, reproduction by Josef Tománek.

"Clinically oriented" questions related to those in the final exam test at 1. LF UK.

Tips fot the exam:

  • Read the question carefully. Especially if is the question long, it can contain more hints for the correct answer.
  • It's possible that you know the answer even without reading items. If no, it's OK as well. In all cases, read also all possible answers. Occasionally, more than one correct answer exists in general, but only one of them is among the answers.
  • Don't be scared by clinical terms. You're a first-year student, you don't know these terms. In all cases, the question is based either on the histology or on the histological technique.

1 Multiple sclerosis is an autoimmune disorder affecting myelin sheaths in the central nervous system. Imagine that a new drug preventing demyelination was developed. The mechanism of action of this imaginary drug is that it protects myelin-producing cells against the attack of the immune system. Which cells are protected by this imaginary drug?

Microglial cells
Schwann cells

2 Insulinoma is a benign tumor of the pancreas. This tumor can sometimes produce gastrin. Overproduction of the gastrin leads to the Zöllinger-Ellison syndrome, i.e. formation of gastroduodenal ulcers as a consequence of overproduction of the hydrochloric acid. Sometimes, the number and the severity of the ulcers are so high that the surgical removal of the stomach is necessary. Which cells of the gastric mucosa are overstimulated in Zöllinger-Ellison syndrome?

Parietal cells
Goblet cells
Mucous cells
Chief cells

3 A man, 45 years old, without previous significant medical history, died suddenly due to exsanguination from the aortic dissection (spontaneous bleeding to the aortic tunica media). Genetical analysis revealed Marphan's syndrome, i.e., the mutation of the gene for fibrillin. This mutation caused that one important structure has impaired biomechanical properties. Which structure is impaired?

Intermediate filaments
Collagen fibers
Elastic fibers

4 A woman, 91 years old, stumbled over, fell on the ground, and broke her radius. The fracture was caused by low force which is suspicious and needs further examination. The examination revealed low density of bones, i.e. decreased of mass of the bone. This finding together with other results led to the diagnosis of osteoporosis. The hallmark of osteoporosis is that one cell type in the bone is relatively overactivated in comparison with other cell types. Which cell type is overactivated?

Osteoprogenitor cells

5 A man, 53 years old heavy smoker, visited his general practitioner after a three-months lasting period of the productive cough. The productive cough means that he coughs a huge volume of sputum. In this case, the sputum is full of mucus. Which of the following cell types is probably the source of the mucus in the sputum?

Columnar cells with the brush border
Columnal ciliated cells
Type II pneumocytes
Goblet cells

6 Renocellular cancer, known also as the Grawitz tumor, is a yellow cancer taking place in the cortex of the kidney. Due to its color being similar to the color of the suprarenal gland, there were two hypotheses about the origin of the cancer in the past: The Grawitz cancer grows either from the cortex and accumulates the glycogen or from the suprarenal gland and accumulates the fat. The question about the origin can be answered easily using two slides stained by two stainings. Which pair of stainings should be used?

Nuclear red and silver impregnation
Sudan red and PAS reaction
Methylen blue and orcein
Azocarmine and aniline

7 Alcoholism leads to damage to plenty of organs, mainly the liver. In the liver, both functional and structural impairment develops. An important and (nearly) irreversible change is liver fibrosis. Even in the healthy tissue, there is some connective tissue, but under conditions of fibrosis, the volume of the connective tissue in the liver increases. Take into account the structure of the healthy liver and decide, which cells give rise to the new connective tissue in the alcoholic liver.

Kultschitski cells
Kupfer cells
Armani cells
Itó cells

8 At an older age, a subtle shrinkage of some organs occurs. In some organs, the shrinkage is associated with accumulation of the lipofuscin. These changes are physiological, but in old-school pathology were named atrophia fusca (brown atrophy). Use your knowledge about lipofuscin and decide which organ can be "affected" by the brown atrophy.

Epithelium of the stomach
Yellow bone marrow
Vitreous body

9 A tumor is not only a heap of malignant cells, it contains other structures, mainly connective tissue and vessels. The later mentioned, the stroma, is not only a passive structure, the behavior of the stroma influences the behavior of the tumor. In some tumors, the size of the stroma is an important marker for the prognosis. Imagine you're doing research and you have to measure the content of the connective tissue (the stroma) in the histological sample of the tumor. Which of the following stainings is the best for subsequent computer analysis of the picture?

Staining according to Papanicolau
Masson's trichrome
Feulgen's method
Nissl's method

10 Your former schoolmate from the high school has a private question for you, further doctor. She was at a wild party, she was drunk and she got pregnant. Except the party, she doesn't drink alcohol. She wants the baby, but she's afraid that the baby can have fetal alcohol syndrome. Is her baby at higher risk for fetal alcohol syndrome?


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