Histology MCQs/Connective Tissue

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Loose connective tissue is sometimes assumed as a "template of connective tissue" on which are described structures common for more types of connective tissue.

1 All but one of following bones are based on intramembranous ossification. Which of them is not based on intramembranous ossification?

Parietal bone

2 Do white adipocytes (fat cells) produce some hormones?

Probably yes, they do it, but no one knows them
Yes, they do produce hormones, e.g. insulin
Yes, they do produce hormones, e.g. leptin
No, they do not produce hormones

3 We have two types of lamellar bone (secondary bone). Which one?

Lamellar bone does not have well-defined subtypes
Compact bone and spongy (cancellous) bone
Woven bone and spongy (cancellous) bone
Compact bone and woven bone

4 What are interstitial lamellae?

Remnants of older Haversian systems destroyed during remodelation of the bone
Traces of microtraumata which were able do affect the structure of the bone
First parts of newly formed Haversian systems
Remnants of immature bone

5 Which type of cartilage is main material of the growth plate?

Hyaline cartilage
Elastic cartilage

6 What does it mean that reticular fibers are argyrophilic?

They are indistinguishable from background in hematoxylin-eosin staining
It is possible to highlight them using silver impregnation
It is possible to highlight them using PAS reaction
They contain huge amount of saccharides

7 What is a glycosaminoglycan?

Branched polysaccharide rich on, e.g., hexosamine or uronic acid
Linear polysaccharide rich on, e.g., hexosamine or uronic acid
Branched peptide rich on, e.g., leucine or isoleucine
Linear peptide rich on, e.g., leucine or isoleucine

8 What is a precursor cell of macrophages (histiocytes)?

Langerhans cell
Dendritic cell
Kupffer cell

9 What is a Sharpey fiber (perforating fiber)?

Bundle of reticular fiber growing from the bone marrow through the endosteum to the bone
Bundle of collagen fibers growing from the periosteum to the bone
Bundle of reticular fibers inside the tendon
Bundle of collagen fibers inside the tendon

10 What is an aggrecan?

Abundat proteglycan in the extracellular matrix of a dense connective tissue
Abundat proteglycan in the extracellular matrix of a hyaline cartilage
Abundat proteglycan in the extracellular matrix of a compact bone
Abundat proteglycan in the extracellular matrix of a spongy bone

11 Which is diameter of fibrils of type I collagen?

2 to 9 nm
20 to 90 nm
200 to 900 nm
2 to 9 μm

12 Which is a fate of osteoblasts?

After production of the extracellular matrix is completed, all of them differentiate to osteocytes
After production of the extracellular matrix is completed, all of them disappear via apoptosis
Minority of them disappear via apoptosis, majority of them differentiate to osteocytes
Majority of them disappear via apoptosis, minority of them differentiate to osteocytes

13 Which is a general function of mast cells?

Releasing of molecules involved in regulation of local immune response
Releasing of moleculec of the extracellular matrix
Phagocytosis of damaged molecules
Phagocytosis of bacteria

14 Which is main collagen of basal and external laminae?

Type I collagen
Type II collagen
Type III collagen
Type IV collagen

15 Which is main fibrilary part of extracellular matrix of bones?

Fibrils composed of type I collagen
Fiber composed of type I collagen
Fibrils composed of type II collagen
Fibers composed of type II collagen

16 Which is main function of fibroblasts?

They produce nearly nothing, they are the resting form of the cells producing the extracellular matrix
Production of the fibrilary component of the extracellular matrix in the connective tissue
Production of the ground substance of the extracellular matrix in the connective tissue
Production of main part of the extracellular matrix in the connective tissue

17 Which is main function of plasma cells?

Production of anti-inflammatory signaling molecules
Production of pro-inflammatory signaling molecules
Phagocytosis of foreign particles
Production of antibodies

18 Which is main protein of collagen fibers?

Type I collagen
Type II collagen
Type III collagen
Type IV collagen

19 Which is main protein of reticular fibers?

Type I collagen
Type II collagen
Type III collagen
Type IV collagen

20 Which is main tissue of periosteum?

Reticular connective tissue
Elastic connective tissue
Mucoid connective tissue
Dense connective tissue

21 Which is the origin of osteoblasts?

Osteoblasts are extraordinary heterogeneous population including plenty of different origins
Osteoblasts differentiate from mesenchymal stem cells
Osteoblasts are derived from the neural crest
Osteoblasts differentiate from monocytes

22 Which statement describes an articular cartilage the best?

It does not have perichondrium, fibrilary part of its extracellular matrix is arranged in some pattern
It does not have perichondrium, fibrilary part of its extracellular matrix is poor
It has pronounced perichondrium, fibrilary part of its extracellular matrix is arranged in some pattern
It has pronounced perichondrium, fibrilary part of its extracellular matrix is poor

23 Which proteins are main proteins of elastic fibers?

Elastin and fibrillin
Elastin only
Fibrillin only
Main material of elastic fibers are liposaccharides

24 Which structure is composed of dense irregular connective tissue?

Main supportive tissue of hematopoietic organs
Sheath (capsule) of inner organs
Lamina propria mucosae

25 Which structure is composed of loose connective tissue?

Main supportive tissue of hematopoietic organs
Sheath (capsule) of inner organs
Lamina propria mucosae

26 Which type of cartilage does not have well-defined perichondrium?

All types have well-defined perichondrium
Hyaline cartilage
Elastic cartilage

27 Which type of cartilage is inside the auricle?

Elastic cartilage
Hyaline cartilage

28 Which type of cartilage is material of intraarticular discs?

Elastic cartilage
Hyaline cartilage

29 Which type of cartilage is most common in the wall of respiratory ways?

Elastic cartilage
Hyaline cartilage

30 Which type of collagen is main part of fibrilary component of the hyaline cartilage?

Type I collagen
Type II collagen
Type III collagen
Type IV collagen

31 Which type of tissue is main type of tissue of the tendon?

Dense irregular connective tissue
Dense regular connective tissue
Loose connective tissue

32 Which of following descriptions is appropriate description of white adipocyte (fat cell)?

It is usually relatively big cell which is nearly filled by plenty small of lipid droplets
It is usually relatively big cell which is nearly filled by one big lipid droplet
It is extraordinary small cell which is filled by plenty of small lipid droplets
It is extraordinary small cell which is filled by one big lipid droplet

33 Imagine the macrophage (histiocyte) as a super supervillain. Which superpower does he have?


34 Which of following statemens describes proteoglycans the best?

Proteoglycan is composed of big globular protein on which are attached short oligosaccharides
Proteoglycan is composed of protein core on which are attached glycosaminoglycans
Proteoglycan is a protein which is able to recognize motifs on saccharides
Proteoglycan is a hormone which increases level of glucose in blood

35 Which of following statements is the best description of an osteoid?

Osteoid is an immature extracellular matrix of bones which still lacks inorganic compounds
Osteoid is an immature extracellular matrix of bones which still lacks fibrilary part
Osteoid is an destroyed extracellular matrix of bones which already lacks fibrilary part
Osteoid is an destroyed extracellular matrix of bones which already lacks inorganic compounds

36 Which of following statements about changes of environment inside the sealing zone is true?

Osteoclasts release hydrolytic enzymes and decrease pH
Osteoclasts release hydrolytic enzymes and increase pH
Osteoclasts release lipolytic enzymes and decrease pH
Osteoclasts release lipolytic enzymes and increase pH

37 Which of following statements about metabolism of chondrocyte is the most accurate?

Metabolism is slow, main source of energy is anaerobic glycolysis
Metabolism is slow, main source of energy is aerobic glycolysis
Metabolism is intense, main source of energy is anaerobic glycolysis
Metabolism is intense, main source of energy is aerobic glycolysis

38 Which of following statements describes a fibroblast the best?

It contains irregular branched cytoplasm, large ovoid euchromatic nucleus with prominent nucleolus, abundant rough endoplasmic reticulum and well-developed Golgi apparatus
It contains irregular branched cytoplasm, small condensed nucleus, abundant smooth endoplasmic reticulum and numerous actin filamets
It contains a few droplets of lipid in the cytoplasm, round and eccentrically located nucleus with
It is spindle-shaped cell with condensed nucleus, cytoplasm is poor with a few organelles only

39 Which of following techniques is an appropriate technique for demonstration of elastic fibers?

Heidenhein's trichromatic technique AZAN
Green Masson trichrome
PAS reaction

40 Which of following tissues is main tissue of the umbilical cord?

Jelly-like connective tissue
Reticular connective tissue
Loose connective tissue
White adipose tissue

41 Which of following types of cartilage is the most common in adult body?

Hyaline cartilage
Elastic cartilage

42 Which step is first one during the enchondral ossification?

Formation of the bone collar on the surface of the cartilagineous model of the bone
Growing of blood vessels through the cartilage to the primary ossification center
Calcification of the extracellular matrix
Hypertrophy of chondrocytes

43 Why is woven bone (primary bone) called woven?

Bone forms 3D structure which is similar to the wool - "fiber" of bone tissue and big empty spaces
Fibrilary part of the extracellular matrix is present in this type of bone only
Collagen fibers in the bone are arranged haphazardly like fibers in the wool
The name is historical mistake

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