Histology MCQs/Development of Cardiovascular System

From WikiLectures
Heart beats early. Its action can be recognised using Doppler ultrasound imaging.

1 In which vessel of the fetal circulation takes place pure arterial blood?

Umbilical vein before connection with portal circulation
Truncus pulmonalis
Descendent aota
Pulmonal veins

2 Majority of blood ejected to the truncus pulmonalis in fetal circulation continues into:

Pulmonary circulation
Ductus arteriosus
Ascendent aorta
Left atrium

3 Mesoblastic period of hematopoiesis is period of production of blood inside:

Intraembryonic mesoderm
Mesoderm of yolk sack
Liver and spleen
Bone marrow

4 What is an angiogenesis?

Formation of new vessels independent on other vessels
Sprouting of new vessels from older vessels
Maturation of the vascular wall
Maturation of the arterial wall

5 What is a vaskulogenesis?

Formation of new vessels independent on other vessels
Sprouting of new vessels from older vessels
Maturation of the vascular wall
Maturation of the venous wall

6 When are formed blood islands?

In the 2nd week
In the 3rd week
In the 5th week
In the 4th week

7 When the embryonic heart starts to beat?

Around 16th day
Around 21th day
Around 28th day
Around 35th day

8 Where starts development of the heart? (Where is the cardiogenic area)?

In cranial part of trilaminar germ disk
In middle part of trilaminar germ disk
In caudal part of trilaminar germ disk
In anterior wall of the yolk sack

9 Which statement about the fetal circulation is true?

Blood which is rich on oxygen and nutrients flows though the umbilical vein
In the cranial part of inferior caval vein flows mixed blood
Ductus arteriosus connects aorta with truncus pulmonalis
Ductus venosus is later stage of venous sinus

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