Histology MCQs/Epithelial Tissue

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Looking from the lumen, all planar epithelia look similarly.

1 Assume classification of epithelia according to the morphology. Which type of epithelium is epithelium of endocrine gland?

In all cases, endocrine gland are composed of the trabecular epithelium
In all cases, endocrine gland are composed of the planar epithelium
Approximately half of exocrine gland is composed of trabecular epithelium and the rest is composed of the planar epithelium
Usually trabecular; the exception is the thyroid gland which is composed of the planar epithelium

2 Which strucute is associated with the basal body?

Basal annealing

3 Which structure forms the brush border? (i.e., "Of which structures is composed the brush borde?")

Secretory granules
Basal anealing

4 Which type of the epithelium are cells which are main site of gas exchange (type I pneumocytes)?

Pseudostratified columnar epithelium
Simple cuboidal epithelium
Simple squamous epithelium
Reticular epithelium

5 Which is embryonic origin of epithelial tissues?

Three germ layers, neural tube or neural crests
Three germ layers or neural crests
Three germ layers or neural tube
Three germ layers only

6 Imagine resorptive epithelium. Which type of epithelium is it (usually) according to the morphological classification (to the structure)?

Pseudostratified columnar epithelium
Stratified columnar epithelium
Simple columnar epithelium
Simple squamous epithelium

7 Imagine stratified columnar epithelium. Are there some cells of roughly cubic shape in this epithelium?

Yes, they are in the intermediate layer (layer between basal and superficial layers)
Yes, they are dissipated among cells of the outermost layer
Yes, they are in the basal layer
No, they are not present

8 Which are main addhesive proteins of desmosmes?

E-cadherin and catenin complex
Desmoglein and desmocollins
Claudins and occludins

9 Which are main addhesive proteins of tight junctions?

E-cadherin and catenin complex
Desmoglein and desmocollins
Claudins and occludins

10 Which are main addhesive proteins of zonulae addherentes?

E-cadherin and catenin complex
Desmoglein and desmocollins
Claudins and occludins

11 Which staining is most appropriate for mucus (product of mucinous cells)?

Masson's trichrome
Alcian blue
Anilin blue

12 Only one statement about the stratified squamous epithelium is correct. Which one?

Cells of the outermost layer, i.e. layer farthest from the basement membrane, are squamous (flat)
Cells of the outermost layer, i.e. layer farthest from the basement membrane, are polygonal (polyhedral)
Cells of the innermost layer, i.e. layer closest to the basement membrane, are squamous (flat)
Cells of the innermost layer, i.e. layer closest to the basement membrane, are polygonal (polyhedral)

13 Which staining highlights secretory granules of mucous cells the best?

Heidenheins iron hematoxylin
Feulgen's reaction
PAS reaction

14 How are called sensory cells (receptors) of epithelial origin?

Primary sensory cells
Secondary sensory cells
Tertiary sensory cells
Quaternary sensory cells

15 The most commonn type of secretion of exocrine cells is:

All possible types of secretion are roughly equally frequent
Merocrine secretion
Holocrine secretion
Apocrine secretion

16 How to describe product of serous glands?

It is of high viscosity because it is rich on polysacharides
It is of low viscosity because it is rich on polysacharides
It is of high viscosity because it is rich on proteins
It is of low viscosity and rich on proteins

17 What does in meat that the exocrine gland is branched?

Several secretory parts are connected to one duct; these duct connect to bigger and bigger duct, the biggest duct opens to the surface
Only one secretory part is connected to one duct; these duct connect to bigger and bigger duct, the biggest duct opens to the surface
Secretory part opens directly to the surface, or it is connected with the surface by the short duct only
Several secretory parts are connected to one short duct; this duct opens to the surface

18 What does in meat that the exocrine gland is COMPOUND?

Several secretory parts are connected to one duct; these duct connect to bigger and bigger duct, the biggest duct opens to the surface
Only one secretory part is connected to one duct; these duct connect to bigger and bigger duct, the biggest duct opens to the surface
Secretory part opens directly to the surface, or it is connected with the surface by the short duct only
Several secretory parts are connected to one short duct; this duct opens to the surface

19 Which statement describes a holocrine secretory cell the best?

Holocrine secretory cell is an endocrine cell of which apical part is fulfilled by its own product. Main secretion is based on releasing of apical part of the cell and its subsequent decay.
Holocrine secretory cell is an exocrine cell of which apical part is fulfilled by its own product. Main secretion is based on releasing of apical part of the cell and its subsequent decay.
Holocrine secretory cell is an endocrine cell which is fulfilled by its own product. Main secretion is based on releasing of whole cell and its subsequent decay.
Holocrine secretory cell is an exocrine cell which is fulfilled by its own product. Main secretion is based on releasing of whole cell and its subsequent decay.

20 Where are usually myoepithelial cells?

In secretory part of glands between secretory cells and the basement membrane
In secretory part of glands as the layer which is closest to the lumen
In secretory part of glands dissipated among secretory cells
In secretory part of glands out of the basement membrane

21 Which organ contains stratified squamous epithelium with keratinization?

Mucosa of oral cavity

22 In which organ do we have serous acini?

Inside the exocrine pancreas because exocrine pancreas produces viscous and chemically inert mucus
Inside the exocrine pancreas because exocrine pancreas produces insuline and glucagon
Inside the exocrine pancreas because exocrine pancreas produces plenty of enzymes
Inside the exocrine pancreas because exocrine pancreas produces fatty sebaceum

23 Which description of germinal epithelium is the most accurate?

Germinal epithelium secure appropriate environment for development of oocytes
Germinal epithelium secure appropriate environment for development of sperms
Germinal epithelium is source of new sperms
Germinal epithelium is source of new oocytes

24 Which gland uses holocrine type of secretion?

Sublingual salivary gland
Parotid salivary gland
Skin sebaceous gland
Skin sweat gland

25 Which of following statements is the best description of gap junction (nexus)?

Cell addhesion involved mainly in a barrier avoid free diffusion along epithelial cells
Cell addhesion involved mainly in exchange of small molecules and ions between cells
Cell addhesion involved mainly in anchoring the cell to the basement membrane
Cell addhesion involved mainly in mechanical stability and resistance

26 Which of following statements is the best description of zonula occludens?

Cell addhesion involved mainly in a barrier avoid free diffusion along epithelial cells
Cell addhesion involved mainly in exchange of small molecules and ions between cells
Cell addhesion involved mainly in anchoring the cell to the basement membrane
Cell addhesion involved mainly in mechanical stability and resistance

27 Which of following terms do not denote one of main ("root") categories ofn classification of epithelial tissue according to the structure?

Transitional epithelium
Trabecular epithelium
Reticular epithelium
Planar epithelium

28 Which sentece is the most appropriate description of pseudostratified columnar epithelium?

Only cells in the basal layer are attached to the basement membrane, cells of higher layer are not attached to the basement membrane
All cells are attached to the basement membrane, but nuclei of these cells are in different distance from the basement membrane
Basement membrane of this type of epithelium has some cylindrical bores
All cells are of columnar shape, cells are in several layers

29 Which statement about resorptive epithelium is not true?

Resorptive function of epithelium is important function of epithelium of large intestine
Resorptive function of epithelium is important function of epithelium of small intestine
Resorptive function of epithelium is main function of epithelium of tubules in kidney
Resorptive function of epithelium is main function of epithelium of skin (epidermis)

30 Which statement about the endocrine secretion is true?

Product of endocrine gland can be released via holocrinne secretion
Product of endocrine gland can be either serous or mucinous
Product of endocrine gland is released to the blood
Product of endocrine gland is released to the duct

31 Which statement about the exocrine secretion is true?

Product of exocrine gland is released into ducts or directly onto the surface
Product of exocrine gland contains in all cased huge amount of enzymes
Product of exocrine gland is usually released to the blood
Product of exocrine gland is usually called a hormone

32 Which structure inside the cell is responsible for contractility of myoepithelial cells?

Network composed of intermediate filaments
Network composed of actin filaments
Network composed of cytokeratines
Network composed of microtubules

33 Which type of collagen is main part of basal lamina?

Type I collagen
Type II collagen
Type III collagen
Type IV collagen

34 Which type of cytoskeleton forms main inner structure of cilia?

Actin filaments associated with type I myosin and other proteins
Microtubules associated with dyneins and other proteins
Microvilli have no obvious inner structure
Cytokeratines associated with ubiquitine

35 Which type of epithelium according to the most pronounced function is epidermis?

Stratified squamous epithelium without ketatinization
Stratified squamous epithelium with ketatinization
Secretory type of epithelium
Covering type of epithelium

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