Histology MCQs/Gastrointestinal Tract

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Unusual view on the ileum

1 Are von Ebner's glads in the tongue associated with some structures?

Yes, they are associated with lingual tonsil
Yes, they are associated with vallate papillae
Yes, they are associated with fungiform papillae
No, they are not associated with other structures

2 Circular folds in the small intestine are based on projections of some layer of the wall. Which one?

Nothing. These folds do not exist in the small intestine
Muscularis externa
Lamina propria

3 What are crypts of Lieberkühn (in the intestine) according to their structure and function?

Ducts of glands in deeper layers
Composed glands
Alveolar glands
Tubular glands

4 How is called the nerve plexus in the submucosa of the gastrointestinal tract?

Solar plexus
Meissner's plexus
Auerbach's plexus
There is no plexus in the submucosa

5 In which organ do we have eosinophilic Paneth cells?

In the fundus of stomach
In the pylorus of stomach
In the small intestine
In the large intestine

6 In which part of the digestive tube do we have main Peyer's patches?

In the ileum
In the jejunum
In the colon ascendens
In the colon descendens

7 Tunica muscularis of stomach has three layers. How are oriented fibers in the innermost layer (with respect to the longitudinal axis of stomach)?

Muscle cells have longitudinal orientation
Muscle cells have plexiform orientation
Muscle cells have circular orientation
Muscle cells have oblique orientation

8 Villi in the large intestine are finger-like projections of one layer of the wall. Which one?

Lamina propria mucosae
Tunica submucosa
Tunica muscularis externa
There are no villi in the large intestine

9 What are taeniae coli?

Outer layer of tunica muscularis externa reduced on three strips composed of smooth muscle
Outer layer of tunica muscularis externa reduced on three strips composed of striated muscle
Inner layer of tunica muscularis externa reduced on three strips composed of smooth muscle
Inner layer of tunica muscularis externa reduced on three strips composed of striated muscle

10 What is a Brunner's gland?

Branched tubular mucinous gland sitting mainly in the submucosa of anus and rectum
Branched tubular mucinous gland sitting mainly in the submucosa of duofenum
Branched tubular mucinous gland sitting mainly in the submucosa of jejunum
Branched tubular mucinous gland sitting mainly in the submucosa of ileum

11 What is a lacteal?

Blood vessel in the lamina propria of the small intestine
Blood vessel in the lamina propria of large intestine
Lymphatic vessel in the lamina propria of the small intestine
Lymphatic vessel in the lamina propria of large intestine

12 What is the function of chief cells in main gastric glands?

Production of singaling molecules
Production of digestive enzymes
Production of hydrochloric acid
Production of acid mucus

13 What is main function of Paneth cells in the intestine?

Transportation of antigenes through the epithelial barrier
Production of antibacterial compounds
Production of mucus
Digestion of lipids

14 What is the function of parietal cells in main gastric glands?

Production of hydrochloric acid
Production of digestive enzymes
Production of neutral mucus
They are stem cells

15 What is an intrinsic factor which is produced in the stomach?

Protein which protects vitamin B12 against aggresive environment in the stomach
Protein which protects vitamin C against aggresive environment in the stomach
Lipid which protects vitamin B12 against aggresive environment in the stomach
Lipid which protects vitamin C against aggresive environment in the stomach

16 Where does have an adult man their ameloblasts?

Ameloblasts are haphazardly distributerd in the dental pulp
Ameloblasts are in one layer between dentin and enamel
Ameloblasts are in one layer between pulp and dentin
An adult man has no ameloblasts

17 Which big salivary gland is completely serous?

Apical lingual gland
Submandibular gland
Sublingual gland
Parotid gland

18 Which big salivary gland is mainly mucinous?

Apical lingual gland
Submandibular gland
Sublingual gland
Parotid gland

19 What is main function of Kupfer cells in liver?

They are stem cells for hepatic epithelial tissue
They are stem cells for hepatic connective tissue
They are tissue resident macrophages
They are a storage of vitamin A

20 Which of following statemens about oesophageal glands (gl. oesophageales) is true?

They are small mucinous glands in the lamina propria
They are small serous glands in the lamina propria
They are small mucinous glands in the submucosa
They are small serous glands in the submucosa

21 Which of following structures does not take place in the pancreas?

Striated ducts
Intercalated ducts
Intralobular ducts
Interlobular ducts

22 Which statement about the outermost layer of proximal (oral) part of the oesophageus is true?

Proximal (oral) part of the oesophageus is not covered by serosa
Proximal (oral) part of the oesophageus is covered by simple squamous epithelium called mesothelium
Proximal (oral) part of the oesophageus is covered by stratified squamous epithelium called endothelium
Proximal (oral) part of the oesophageus is covered by stratified squamous epithelium called mesothelium

23 Which statemet about the lamina muscularis mucosae of pylorus is true?

Lamina muscularis mucosae does not exist in the pylorus
Lamina muscularis mucosae is composed of smooth muscle cells
Lamina muscularis mucosae is composed of striated muscle fibers
Lamina muscularis mucosae is composed of both smooth muscle cells and striated muscle fibers

24 Which structure takes place in the middle of the liver acinus (Rappaport's acinus)?

Bile duct
Central vein
Hepatic artery
There is no obvious structure in the middle of the liver acinus

25 Which structures form borders of Disse's space (space of Disse)?

Two hepatocytes
Ito's cells and a wall of sinusoid
Hepatocytes and a wall of sinusoid
Kupfer's cells and a wall of sinusoid

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