< Histology MCQs
1 Are von Ebner's glads in the tongue associated with some structures?
2 Circular folds in the small intestine are based on projections of some layer of the wall. Which one?
3 What are crypts of Lieberkühn (in the intestine) according to their structure and function?
4 How is called the nerve plexus in the submucosa of the gastrointestinal tract?
5 In which organ do we have eosinophilic Paneth cells?
6 In which part of the digestive tube do we have main Peyer's patches?
7 Tunica muscularis of stomach has three layers. How are oriented fibers in the innermost layer (with respect to the longitudinal axis of stomach)?
8 Villi in the large intestine are finger-like projections of one layer of the wall. Which one?
9 What are taeniae coli?
10 What is a Brunner's gland?
11 What is a lacteal?
12 What is the function of chief cells in main gastric glands?
13 What is main function of Paneth cells in the intestine?
14 What is the function of parietal cells in main gastric glands?
15 What is an intrinsic factor which is produced in the stomach?
16 Where does have an adult man their ameloblasts?
17 Which big salivary gland is completely serous?
18 Which big salivary gland is mainly mucinous?
19 What is main function of Kupfer cells in liver?
20 Which of following statemens about oesophageal glands (gl. oesophageales) is true?
21 Which of following structures does not take place in the pancreas?
22 Which statement about the outermost layer of proximal (oral) part of the oesophageus is true?
23 Which statemet about the lamina muscularis mucosae of pylorus is true?
24 Which structure takes place in the middle of the liver acinus (Rappaport's acinus)?
25 Which structures form borders of Disse's space (space of Disse)?