Histology MCQs/Gastrointestinal Tract II

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An eating house at the beginning of the 19th century.

1 Which of following structures is not a part of the mucosa?

Lamina muscularis mucosae
Lamina epitelialis
Myenteric plexus
Lamina propria

2 Which type of connective tissue is the most common in the serosa (tunica serosa)?

Reticular connective tissue
Elastic connetive tissue
Loose connective tissue
Dense connective tissue

3 Which epithelium is a part of an adventitia (tunica advenitita)

Stratified squamous epithelium
Simple squamous epithelium
Simple cuboidal epithelium
There is no epithelium here

4 Which type of antibodies is (mainly) transported to the lumen of intestines?


5 Why is an skin around the vermillion border red? (Why are our lips red?)

The epithelium is transparent and highly vascularized, the color is color of blood
The epithelium is transparent, the color is color of blood in deeper structures
Epithelial cells contain pigment called pheomelanin
Epithelial cells contain hemoglobin

6 Mucosa of oral cavity:

It is covered mainly by few types of epithelium, on one is the most abundant
It is covered mainly by stratified squamous non-keratinizing epithelium
It is covered mainly by stratified squamous keratinizing epithelium
It is covered mainly by simple columnar epithelium

7 Pharynx:

It is covered mainly by few types of epithelium, on one is the most abundant
It is covered mainly by stratified squamous non-keratinizing epithelium
It is covered mainly by stratified squamous keratinizing epithelium
It is covered mainly by simple columnar epithelium

8 Which type of lingual papillae forms V-shaped line close to the terminal sulcus?


9 Which type of lingual papillae is not associated with taste buds?


10 Circumvalatae papillae are associated with:

Mucinous von Ebner's glands
Serous von Ebner's glands
Mucinous Weber's glands
Serous Weber's glands

11 Which tissue of teeth is the most mineralized?

Alveolar bone

12 Tooth:

Organ of enamel exists during whole life
Cementum covers the crown of the tooth
Dentin is of ectodermal origin
Dental pulp contains nerves

13 Main mineral of enamel is:

Calcium bicarbonate
Calcium carbonate
Sodium fluoride

14 Embryonic origin of dentin is:


15 In which layer take place main oesophageal glands (glandulae oesophageales propriae)?

Muscularis musocae
Tunica submucosa
Lamina propria
Tunica serosa

16 Which type of muscle tissue takes place in distal (aboral) third of the oesophagus?

Skeletal muscle is in the circular layer, smooth muscle is in the longitudinal layer
Smooth muscle is in the circular layer, skeletal muscle is in the longitudinal layer
Skeletal muscle
Smooth muscle

17 Which part of the oesophageus is covered by serosa?

Proximal (oral) half
Distal (aboral) half
Supraphrenic part
Subphrenic part

18 Stomach:

Intinsic factor is a protein protecting vitamin B12
Main gastric glands are coiled mucinous glands
Chief cells produce hydrochloric acid
There is high pH in the stomach

19 Which two anatomical regions of the stomach have the same histological structure of mucosa?

Corpus and pylorus
Cardia and pylorus
Fundus and corpus
Cardia and fundus

20 Gastric folds (rugae):

Rugae are longitudinal projections of submucosa
Rugae are longitudinal projections of mucosa
Rugae are circular projections of submucosa
Rugae are circular projections of mucosa

21 What is a lacteal?

Lymphatic vessel in the wall of large intestine
Lymphatic vessel in the wall of small intestine
Blood vessel in the wall of large intestine
Blood vessel in the wall of small intestine

22 Small intestine:

Plicae circulares are finger-like projections of lamina propria
Plicae circulares are finger-like projections of submucosa
Villi are finger-like projections of lamina propria
Villi are finger-like projections of submucosa

23 Goblet cells:

Goblet cells produce mucus of the extracellular matrix of intestinal lamina propria
Goblet cells are chemoreceptors of the autonomic nerve system
Goblet cells produce mucus covering epithelium of intestines
Goblet cells are associated with lacteals

24 Which of following statements about Paneth cells is not true?

Paneth cells can be found in intestinal glands (crypts) of jejunum
Paneth cells can be found in intestinal glands (crypts) of ileum
Paneth cells can be found in intestinal glands (crypts) of appendix
Paneth cells can be found in intestinal glands (crypts) of large intestine

25 Circular folds (plicae circulares) of small intestine are projections of:

Muscularis externa
Muscularis mucosae
Lamina propria

26 Which part of the intestine contains Peyer's patches?

Colon transversum

27 Large intestine:

Inner layer of tunica muscularis is reduced to three muscle strips
Outer layer of tunica muscularis is reduced to three muscle strips
Inner layer of tunica muscularis is reduced to two muscle strips
Outer layer of tunica muscularis is reduced to two muscle strips

28 Which type of glands are crypts of Lieberkühn (intestinal glands)?

Composed alveolar glands
Composed tubular glands
Simple alveolar glands
Simple tubular glands

29 Which major salivary gland is serous only?

Apical lingual gland
Submandibular gland
Sublingual gland
Parotid gland

30 Which gland does not contain striated ducts?

Submandibular gland
Sublingual gland
Parotid gland

31 Mucus cells of salivary glands:

Their product is of poor stainability in hematoxylin-eosing staining
Their product is of good stainability in Massons' trichromes
Their product is rich on glycosaminoglycans
Their product is rich on lipids

32 Stainanbility of serous cells of pancreas:

Their basal part is eosinophilic, their apical part contains strongly eosinophilic vesicles
Their basal part is basophilic, their apical part contains strongly basophilic vesicles
Their basal part is eosinophilic, their apical part contains basophilic vesicles
Their basal part is basophilic, their apical part contains eosinophilic vesicles

33 What is a basal labyrinth (basal annealing, basal striation)?

Folds of basal membrane associated with Golgi apparatus
Folds of apical membrane associated with Golgi apparatus
Folds of apical membrane associated with mitochondria
Folds of basal membrane associated with mitochondria

34 Which type of tissue are hepatocytes?

Derivatives of neural crest
Derivatives of mesenchyme
Trabecular epithelium
Reticular epithelium

35 Liver:

Ito's cells are modified endothelial cells
Ito's cells store vitamin C
Kupfer's cells are macrophages
Kupfer's cells store vitamin A

36 Which structure is in the center of classic hepatic lobule?

Branch of hepatic artery
Branch of portal vein
Bile capillary
Central vein

37 Liver acinus:

There is branch of hepatic artery in the middle
There is no distinct structure in the middle
There is branch of bile duct in the middle
There is central vein in the middle

38 Endothelium of liver sinusoids is:

discontinuous and without fenestrations
continuous and without fenestrations
discontinuous and fenestrated
continuous and fenestrated

39 Which type of tissue forms the wall of bile capillaries?

Trabecular epithelium
Squamous epithelium

40 Which layer of the wall of gastrointestinal tract does not exists in the wall of the gallbladder?

Tunica muscularis
Tunica submucosa
Lamina propria
Tunica serosa

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