Histology MCQs/General Embryology

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Calf embryo about 1 month in the amniotic sac.

1 All but one of following statements about the cleavage are true. Which of them is false?

Cleavage occurs when the embryo travels through the Fallopian tube
During cleavage, the amount of DNA inside the embryo increases
Embryo is closed inside zona pellucida during cleavage
Cleavage continues after implantation

2 All but one of the following statements are true. Which of them is false?

Number of oogonia grows especially during puberty
Common fate of oogonia is death by apoptosis
Oogonia are able undergo mitotic division
Oogonia are diploid cells

3 Whati is an allantois? (Possible formulation is also: "Allantois:")

Finger-like protrusion in the site of pharyngeal membrane
Finger-like protrusion in the site of syncytiotrophoblast
Finger-like protrusion in the site of cloak membrane
Finger-like protrusion in the site of cytotrophoblast

4 Which statement about the amniotic sac is true? (Possible formulation is also: "Amniotic sac:")

It is lined up by cells of ectoderm from its beginning
It is lined up by cells of endoderm from its beginning
It is composed of cells derived from the epiblast
It disappears completely during the second week

5 Which structures form the bilaminar germ disk?

Mesoderm and mesenchyme
Epiblast and hypoblast
Endoderm and ektoderm
Laurel and Hardy

6 Which embryonic structure gives rise to cells in our bodies? (note: you can assume "the majority of cells" instead of "all cells" as the application of the rule "the best-fitting answer is correct")

Both epiblast and hypoblast

7 Chorda dorsalis (dorsal chord) is a source of signaling molecules driving the development of: (note: Instead of "driving", words like "controlling" or "checking" can be used in the same meaning)

Axial structures
Umbilical cord

8 Chorda dorsalis (dorsal chord):

Completely disappears during prenatal life
Is fully preserved nearly till the birth
Is a solid chord composed of cells
Is the tubular structure

9 When start differentiation of somites (somitogenesis)?

In 3rd week
In 4th week
In 5th week
In 6th week

10 Does the morula change its volume in the Fallopian tube?

Yes, the volume undergoes three to five cycles of changes
Yes, the volume decreases
Yes, the volume increases
No, the volume does not change

11 Ductus venosus (Arantii): (note: This short formulation means: "Select correct or best-fitting statement about the structure")

Originates as the connection of anterior and posterior cardinal veins
Connects umbilical vein with inferior caval vein
Is the venous side of the primitive heart tube
Gives rise to the portal vein

12 Which statement about 'formation of somites is correct?

Formation of somites is gradual: Cranial somites start, caudal somites continue later on
Formation of somites is gradual: Caudal somites start, cranial somites continue later on
Timing of formation of somites is less or more chaotic
All somites are formed at the same time

13 When can be recognized germ line for gametes?

In the 4th week of embryonic development
In the 4th month of embryonic development
In the 4th month after bird
In the 4th year after bird

14 How to describe the origin of the intraembryonic mesoderm?

Cells from the primitive node (node of Henlen) migrate between ectoderm and endoderm
Cells from the wall of the amnionic sack migrate between ectoderm and endoderm
Cells from the wall of the yolk sack migrate between ectoderm and endoderm
Cells from primitive streak migrate between ectoderm and endoderm

15 When starts the implantation?

Immediately after fertilization
3rd day after fertilization
6th day after fertilization
9th day after fertilization

16 Journey of the morula through the Fallopian tupe takes usually:

1 to 2 days
3 to 4 days
5 to 7 days
8 to 10 days

17 Only one statement about ' origin of gametes is true. Which one?

They originate from different type of cells, which is not mentioned here
They originate from either spermatogonia or oogonia
They originate from spermatogonia only
They originate from oogonia only

18 Paraxial mesoderm give rise:

Both somatopleura and splanchnopleura
Intermediate mesoderm
Chordal plate

19 What is a prechordal plate?

Ventral thickening of endoderm
Ventral thickening of ectoderm
Dorsal thickening of endoderm
Dorsal thickening of ectoderm

20 Which structure delineates the primary yolk sack?

Heuser's membrane

21 Primitive node (node of Hensen) takes place:

On the anterior (cranial) end of the primitive streak
On the posterior (caudal) end of the primitive streak
In the middle of the primitive streak
Outside of primitive streak

22 Primitive streak originates:

In lateral parts of hypoblast
In lateral parts of epiblast
In the medial line of hypoblast
In the medial line of epiblast

23 Two haploid gametes form together one cell which is called:

Diploid gamete
This question is wrong, gametes are diploid

24 Which are three parts of the intraembryonic mesoderm?

Paraxial, transitional and superficially located
Paraxial, intermediate and lateral plate
Mesial, intermediate and profundus
Paraxial, aboral and adoral

25 What is a capacitation?

Capacitation is a process in which the glycoprotein layer over the acrosome is dissolved
Capacitation is a process in which sperm penetrates zona pellucida
Capacitation is a process in which the tail of the sperm is inactivated
Capacitation is a process in which the tail of the sperm is activated

26 Where the fertilization occurs usually?

In the infundibular part of the Fallopian tube
In the ampullary part of the Fallopian tube
Horn of the uterus (cornua uteri)
Cavity of the uterus

27 Where originates the extraembryonic mesoderm?

It is a result of the migration of cells from the neuroectoderm
In a site between trophoblast and embryoblast
In a site between hypoblast and epiblast
In a site between endoderm and ectoderm

28 Where originates gonocytes?

In the extraembryonic mesenchyme
In the endoderm of the yolk sack
In the ectoderm of yolk sack
In the dorsal mesentery

29 Which statement about the neural plate is true?

Neural plate forms itself between the node of Hensen and cloacal membrane
Neural plate is the basic structure for neural tube and neural crests
Neural plate originates at the ventral side of the germ disc
Neural plate is of endodermal origin

30 Which statement is true about the trophoblast?

It differentiates into outer cytotrophoblast and inner syncytiotrophoblast
It differentiates into inner cytotrophoblast and outer syncytiotrophoblast
Structure called "trophoblast" does not exist during the development of human
It does not differentiate further

31 Which statement about the neural crest is not true?

Some kind of mesenchyme can develop from the neural crest
Neural crest give rise to the medula of the suprarenal gland
Neural crest gives rise to the cortex of the suprarenal gland
Melanocytes originate from the neural crest

32 Which statement about the primitive streak is true?

It takes place between primitive node (node of Hensen) and cloakal membrane
It sits perpendicular to the long axis of the germ disc
It is the main structure-forming channel of Lieberkühn
It is the main material for the formation of neural tube

33 Which statement about the zona pellucida is true?

Zona pellucida is a membrane surrounding the oocyte, it is composed mainly of glycoproteins
Zona pellucida is a membrane surrounding the oocyte, it is composed mainly of glycolipids
Zona pellucida is on the border between theca folliculi interna and externa
Zona pellucida is another name for Slavjanski's membrane

34 Which structure does not take place in the late blastocyst?

Zona pellucida

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