Histology MCQs/Nerve Tissue

From WikiLectures

1 What is an axonal transport?

Transportation of a material inside microtubules
Transportation of a material along microtubules
Spreading of a signal inside axons
Spreading of a signal along axons

2 What is a Bergman's glia?

Microglial cells in the cerebellum
Microgilal cells in the retina
Astrocytes in the cerebellum
Astrocytes in the retina

3 Which type of neurons are Betz pyramidal cells (Betz pyramides)?

Unipolar neurons
Pseudounipolar neurons
Bipolar neurons
Multipolar neurons

4 What is main function of the choroid plexus?

Peristaltic movement of the cerebrospinal fluid
Mechanical support of cavities inside brain
Production of the cerebrospinal fluid
Resorption of the cerebrospinal fluid

5 Which cells conatin glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP)?

Mikroglial cells

6 Which intracellular structure contains glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP)?

Intermediate filaments
Skeleton of nucleus
Golgi apparatus

7 Which type of nerve fibers takes place inside the peripheral nerve?

Both myelinated and unmyelinated
Myelinated only
Unmyelinated only
Mainly unmyelinated, but occasionally also myelinated

8 Embryonic origin of astrocytes:

Neural crest
Neural tube

9 Embryonic origin of microglial cells:

Neural tube
Neural crest

10 Which is embryonic origin of neurons inside the basal ganglia?

Neural crest
Neural tube
Yolk sack

11 Which type of capillaries is part of the blood-brain barrier?

Fenestrated capillaries with continuous basement membrane
Fenestrated capillaries with non-continuous basement membrane
Non-fenestrated capillaries

12 How many layers does have the cortex of the cerebellum?

Exactly three
Two or three
Three or four
Two to four

13 Ependymal cells:

Form covering layer of the cavities inside CNS
Apical pole is smooth, without projections
Produce huge amount of endogenic opioids
Are tall columnar cells

14 Is it possible proove the myelin using immunohistochemistry?

Yes, it is, but we have to pretreat the specimen with the chloroform (trichlormethan)
Yes, but for specimens harvested from the peripheral nerve system
Yes, it is, e.g., using the myelin basic protein
No, it is not possible

15 What is not true for neurons?

They have plenty of microtubules inside the axon
They are rich on the rough endoplasmic reticulum
They have strongly eosinophilic cytoplasm
They have conspicuous nucleolus

16 Which type of cells produces myelin sheet?

Either oligodendrocytes of Schwann cells
Oligodendrocytes only
Schwann cells only

17 Staining for myelin:

Methylen blue
Toluidin blue
Alcian blue
Luxol blue

18 Function of satelite cells:

They support neurons inside the peripheral ganglia
They support neurons inside the cerebellar cortex
They support neurons inside the motoric cortex
They support neurons inside the basal ganglila

19 Neurotransmiter of a motor plate:

The motor plate is an electric synapsis, it needs no transmitter

20 What is main principle of the Nissl's technique?

Using of an impregnation
Using of an acidic dye
Using of a basic dye
Using of lectins

21 What is a Nissl's substance?

Smooth endoplasmic reticulum and rouhg endoplasmic reticulum
Complec of microtubules and intermediary filaments
Rough endoplasmic reticulum and Golgi apparatus
Rough endoplasmic reticulum and polyribosomes

22 Which type of connective tissue is the pia mater?

Highly vascularized loose connective tissue
Poorly vascularized loose connective tissue
Highly vascularized reticular tissue
Poorly vascularized reticular tissue

23 Which type of ganglia takes usually place in the wall of hollow organs?

Parasymphatetic ganglia
Somatomotoric ganglia
Symphatetic ganglia
There are no gangila in the wall of hollow ograns

24 What is a cytoarchitecture of the brain cortex?

Arrangement of astrocytes in the basal ganglia
Arrangement of astrocytes in the brain cortex
Arrangement of neurons in the basal ganglia
Arrangement of neurons in the brain cortex

25 What is a myeloarchitecture of the brain cortex?

Arrangement of myelinated fibers in the brain cortex
Arrangement of oligodendrocytes in the brain cortex
Arrangement of astrocytes in the brain cortex
Arrangement of dendrites in the brain cortex

26 In which strucutre are common pseudounipolar neurons?

Posterior horns of the spinal cord
Anterior horns of the spinal cord
Autonomic (vegetative) ganglia
Sensory (spinal) ganglia

27 How is called the layer of cerebellar cortex containing Purkyně cells?

Substantia alba cerebelli
Stratum gangliosum
Stratum molekulare
Stratum granulosum

28 Purkyně cells are:

Unipolar neurons
Pseudounipolar neurons
Bipolar neurons
Multipolar neurons

29 Saltatory movement of the action potential:

The action potential spreads from the neuron to the neuron using electrical synapses
The action potential jumps from the neuron to the neuron outside synapses
The action potential occurs in the site of Schmidt-Lanterman cleft only
The action potential occurs in the site of Ranvier node only

30 Which structure is responsible for resorption of the cerebrospinal fluid?

Arachnoid granulations (Pacchionian granulation)
Lining of left and right brain ventricles
Lining of 3rd and 4th brain ventricles
Choroid plexus

31 Definition of Brodmann's areas is based on:

Gross (macroscopic) anatomy

32 Allocortex (i.e. archicortex and paleocortex):

Cortex has usually three layers of neurons
Cortex has usually six layers of neurons
Cortex has usually ten layers of neurons
We can not distinguish layers in the cortex

33 Which neurons are the most striking in the primary motor cortex of brain (precentral gyrus)?

Small intereneurons
Pyramidal neurons
Granular neurons
The most conspicuous feature of the motor cortex is its inconspicuousness

34 In which part of the CNS contains mossy fibers?

Substantia nigra, pars reticularis
Reticular formation

35 How many layers of neurons do we usually describe in the neocortex?


36 What statement about glial cells is not true?

One oligodendrocyte can produce myelin sheet for several axons
Membrane of glial cells can generate the action potential
Fibrilary astrocytes are in the white matter
Bergman's glia is in the cerebellum

37 What statement about basket cells is not true?

Basket cells take place inside molecular layer of cerebellar cortex
Axons of basket cells make synapses with Purkynì cells
Basket cells are multipolar neurons
Basket cells are bipolar neurons

38 Ganglia of the peripheral nerve system:

Glia in ganglia is composed of Schwann cells only
Glia in ganglia contains mainly astrocytes
Glia in ganglia contains satelite cells
There is no glia in ganglia

39 Cranial nerves (head nerves):

1st head nerve is covered by meninges
2nd head nerve is covered by meninges
3rd head nerve is covered by meninges
7th head nerve is covered by meninges

40 Spinal cord:

Neurons in the gray matter are usally pseudounipolar
There are myelinated fibers in the white matter
Motoneurons take place in the posterior horns
There are no interneurons in the gray matter

41 Unmyelinated fibers:

In the PNS, they are protected by Schwann cells
They are in the grey matter of the CNS only
They are in the PNS only
They are really naked

42 Which cells form usually the scar in the CNS?

Müller's cells

43 What is a perikaryon?

Synonymum for a satelite cell
Synonymum for an astrocyte
Initial part of the axon
Body of the neuron

44 To which part of the cytoskeleton belongs to neurofilaments?

Intermediate filaments
Actin filaments

45 Which of following methods is not appropriate for proof of neurons?

Immunohistochemical staining for neurofilaments
Silver impregnation
Nissl's technique
Luxol blue

46 Which structures are part of the blood-brain barrier?

Endothelium of vessels, basal laminas, and extracellular matrix
Endothelium of vessels, basal laminas, and glial cells
Endothelium of vessels, basal laminas, and neurons
Endothelium of vessels only

47 Purkyně cell:

Dendrites are branching in the molecular layer and are forming two-dimensional structure
Dendrites are branching in the molecular layer and are forming three-dimensional structure
Dendrites are branching in the granular layer and are forming two-dimensional structure
Dendrites are branching in the granular layer and are forming three-dimensional structure

48 Which type of neurons are Purkyně cells?


49 In which layer can be present Betz pyramidal cells (Betz pyramids)?

Lamina pyramidalis interna
Lamina pyramidalis externa
Lamina granularis interna
Lamina granularis externa

50 Where takes place the myenteric plexus (plexus of Auerbach)?

Gastrointestinal tract
Respiratory tract
Urinary tract
Spinal cord

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