Histology MCQs/Reproductive System

From WikiLectures
Graafian Follicle, Human Ovary (3595010317).jpg

1 Which is main tissue of tunica albuginea testis?

Reticular connective tissue
Dense connective tissue
Hyaline cartilage

2 How many lobules are in one testis?

About 2500
About 250
About 25
About 2

3 Tunica vaginalis testis is derived of one distant structure. Which one?

Muscular layer of abdominal wall
Skin of abdominal wall

4 Which cells produce testosterone?

Sertoli cells
Myoidal cells
Leydig cells

5 Which stage of development of sperm is diploid?

Secondary spermatocyte
Spermatogonia B

6 Which type of cell adhesion is main adhesion in the blood-testis barries?

Tight junction
Focal adhesion
Gap junction

7 Which proteins replace histons in the sperm?


8 During which phase of spermiogenesis are shed resudual bodies?

Maturation phase
Acrosomal phase
Golgi phase
Cap phase

9 Which hormone is produced by Sertoli cells?


10 How many ducts does contain one epididymis?


11 Which specialization of apical pole do have principal cells of epididymis?

Brush border

12 Pampiniform plexus:

Is an arterial plexus in a spermatic cord
Is an arterial plexus in an epididymis
Is a venous plexus in a spermatic cord
Is a venous plexus in an epididymis

13 In which structure is produced main volume of the ejaculate?

Seminal vesicles
Prostatic gland

14 Which of following molecules is not produced by seminal vesicles?


15 Glands in the prostate are:

Simple tubular
Coiled tubular

16 What is main function of PSA (prostatic specific angigene)?

Intracellular signallig in prostatic epithelial cells
Local signalling inside the prostate
Liquefaction of coagulated semen
Fighting bacteria

17 Of which type are bulbourethral glands (Cowper glands)?

Sebaceous glands
Endocrine glands
Serous glands
Mucus glands

18 How to describe tunica albuginea of corpora cavernosa?

Loose connective tissue with markable amount of reticular fibers
Dense connective tissue with markable amount of reticular fibers
Loose connective tissue with markable amount of elastic fibers
Dense connective tissue with markable amount of elastic fibers

19 Surface epithelium of ovary (germinal epithelium):

Stratified cuboidal epithelium
Stratified squamous epithelium
Simple cuboidal epithelium
Simple squamous epithelium

20 Which structure is site of first occurence of primordial germ cells?

Gonadal primordia
Neural crest
Yolk sack

21 Which statement about primary oocytes is not true?

They are produced in surface epithelium of ovary
They are surrounded by follicular cells
They are formed before the birth
They are arrested in meiosis

22 Tunica albuginea of ovary:

It is composed of dense connective tissue
It is composed of hyaline cartilage
It is composed of fibrocartilage
It does not exist

23 Primary follicle:

Basal lamina of follicular cells is on the border between follicle and ovarial stroma
Basal lamina of follicular cells is on the border between oocyte and follicular cells
Basal lamina of follicular cells surrounds them from all sides
There is no basal lamina in primary follicle

24 Granulosa cells:

Granulosa cells are connected through gap junctions
Granulosa cells are derived from ovarial stroma
Granulosa cells produce FSH
Granulosa cells produce LH

25 Follicular theca interna:

Theca interna has the same function as theca externa
Cells of theca interna are part of corona radiata
Theca interna is derived from ovarial stroma
Theca interna is derived from granulosa

26 What is an atresia?

Physiological process of dying of minor part of oocytes
Physiological process of dying of main part of oocytes
Pathological process of dying of oocytes
Pathological overproduction of oocytes

27 What is main material of zona pellucida?

Glycoproteins of a hyaline cartilage
Reticular epithelium
Unique glycoproteins
Unique lipids

28 Which compound is not present in the follicular fluid?

Hyaluronic acid
Heparan sufate

29 Which cells give rise to the corpus luteum?

Cells of theca foliculi interna and theca foliculi externa
Cells of granulosa and theca foliculi interna
Cells of theca foliculi interna only
Cells of granulosa only

30 What is main tissue of corpus albicans?

Dense connective tissue
Loose connective tissue
Trabecular epithelium
Hyaline cartilage

31 Cilliated cells in the Fallopian tube (oviduct):

Are one of two epithelial cell types in the Fallopian tube
We have no cilliated cells in the Fallopian tube
Are also called peg cells
All cells are cilliated

32 Myometrium:

Myometrium is composed of smooth muscle cells and contains only low amount of blood and lymphatic vessels
Myometrium is composed of skeletal muscle and contains only low amount of blood and lymphatic vessels
Myometrium is composed of smooth muscle cells and contains numerous venous plexuses and lymphatics
Myometrium is composed of skeletal muscle and contains numerous venous plexuses and lymphatics

33 Epithelium of endometrium:

Stratified columnar
Stratified squamous
Simple columnar
Simple squamous

34 Straight arteries of the endometrium:

Supply the functional layer only
Supply the basal layer only
Supply both layer only
There is no structure called "straight artery" in the endometrium

35 Which striking event starts the ovulation?

Drop of progesterone
Drop of estrogene
Peak of FSH
Peak of LH

36 Which is an epithelium of vagina?

Stratified squamous non-keratinizing
Stratified squamous keratinizing
Stratified columnar
Simple columnar

37 During which phase of meiosis I occur connections of sister chromatids called synapses?


38 In which stage of cell cycle is arrested oocyte before the puberty?

G0 phase of common cell cycle
Diplotene of meiosis I
Pachytene of meiosis II
Leptotene of meiosis I

39 Mammary gland:

The development is completed at the end of the pregnancy
The development is completed at the end of the pubercy
The development is compleded during early childhood
The development is completed before the birth

40 Which type of secretion takes place during the production of milk?

Merocrine, apocrine and holocrine
Merocrine and holocrine
Apocrine and holocrine
Merocrine and apocrine

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