Histology MCQs/Respiratory System

From WikiLectures
Epithelium of respiratory ways is composed of few distinct cell populations.

1 How is arranged muscle tissue in the wall of bronchi?

Longitudinal bundles of smooth muscle cells
Longitudinal bundles of striated muscle fibers
Spiral bundles of smooth muscle cells
Spiral bundles of striated muscle fibers

2 What is main function of type II pneumocyte?

It is a part of neuroendocrine system
It is a site of diffusion of gases
It produces a surfactant
It produces a mucus

3 Which type of muscle tissue is made trachealis muscle?

Smooth muscle
Striated muscle
Mixture of smooth and striated muscle

4 Which type of glands sits in lamina propria mucosae of the trachea?

There are no glands there

5 Which type of cartilage forms the cartilagineous skeleton of the nose?

Hyaline cartilage
Elastic cartilage
Main part of cartilages is composed of hyaline cartilage, but some cartilages are elastic
Main part of cartilages is composed of elastic cartilage, but some cartilages are hyaline

6 Which epithelium covert main part of the vocal fold (true vocal fold)?

Stratified squamous non-keratinizing
Stratified squamous keratinizing
Simple squamous non-keratinizing
Simple squamous keratinizing

7 Which epithelium covers often at least a part of the vestibular fold (false vocal fold)?

Stratified squamous non-keratinizing
Stratified squamous keratinizing
Simple squamous non-keratinizing
Simple squamous keratinizing

8 Which muscle tissue is a material of the vocal muscle?

Smooth muscle
Striated muscle
Smooth muscle in the caudal part, striated muscle in the cranial part
Smooth muscle in the cranial part, striated muscle in the caudal part

9 Which of following statements about elastic fibers in lungs is the most accurate?

There are elastic fibers in the lung, but in the wall of arteries only
There is plenty of elastic fibers in the lungs
There are some elastic fibers in the lung
There are no elastic fibers in the lung

10 Which type of tissue formss an innter "skeleton" of the epiglottis?

Elastic cartilage
Hyaline cartilage
Dense connective tissue

11 Which of following statements about arteries in the lung circulation is true?

There is a low pressure in the pulmonary circulation, therefore arteries are thinwalled than arteries in the system circulation
There is a low pressure in the pulmonary circulation, therefore arteries are thickwalled than arteries in the system circulation
There is a high pressure in the pulmonary circulation, therefore arteries are thinwalled than arteries in the system circulation
There is a high pressure in the pulmonary circulation, therefore arteries are thickwalled than arteries in the system circulation

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