Histology MCQs/Respiratory System II

From WikiLectures
A London fog, 1847

1 What is true about the mucosa of inferior concha?

Epithelium is pseudostratified columnar, lamina propria contains few vessels only
Epithelium is pseudostratified columnar, lamina propria contains numerous vessels
Epithelium is stratified squamous, lamina propria contains few vessels only
Epithelium is stratified squamous, lamina propria contains numerous vessels

2 In which part of respiratory system do we have sebaceous glands?


3 Which structure is on apical part of brush cells of respiratory passages?


4 What is main function of goblet cells of respiratory passages?

Production of signaling molecules
Phagocytosis of bacteria
Production of mucus

5 Pharynx:

Epithelium of oropharynx is pseudostratified columnar, epithelium of nasopharynx is pseudostratified columnar
Epithelium of oropharynx is pseudostratified columnar, epithelium of stratified squamous
Epithelium of oropharynx is stratified squamous, epithelium of nasopharynx is pseudostratified columnar
Epithelium of oropharynx is stratified squamous, epithelium of nasopharynx is stratified squamous

6 Which cartilages are in the larynx?

Hyaline only
Elastic only
Both hyaline and elastic
There is no cartilage in the larynx

7 Which type of epithelium covers the vocal folds?

Pseudostratified columnar without cilia
Pseudostratified columnar with cilia
Stratified squamous non-keratinizing
Stratified squamous keratinizing

8 Which type of muscle tissue is main tissue of vocal muscle?

Medial portion is composed of skeletal muscle, lateral portion is composed of smooth muscle
Medial portion is composed of smooth muscle, lateral portion is composed of skeletal muscle
Skeletal muscle
Smooth muscle

9 Which type of muscle tissue is main tissue of tracheal muscle?

Both smooth and skeletal muscle
Tracheal muscle does not exist
Skeletal muscle
Smooth muscle

10 Which cartilage takes place in the wall of trachea?

Hyaline cartilage
Elastic cartilage
It depends on the level (distance from the nose)

11 Which structure is not present in bronchioli?

Pseudostratified columnar epithelium
Hyaline cartilage
Elastic fibers
Smooth muscle

12 What is not a function of club cells (Clara cells)?

Production of antibacterial peptides
Production of free radicals
Production of surfactant
Production of mucus

13 Which type of fibers is not abundant inside interalveolar septs?

Fibers of type III collagen
Fibers of type I collagen
Elastic fibers
Reticular fibers

14 Alveolar capillaries are:

Non-fenestrated with discontinuous basement membrane
Non-fenestrated with continuous basement membrane
Fenestrated with discontinuous basement membrane
Fenestrated with continuous basement membrane

15 Which of following cells contains lamellar bodies?

Type II pneumocyte
Type I pneumocyte
Goblet cell
Dust cell

16 Type I pneumocytes:

Contain abundant Golgi apparatus
Contain pinocytic vesicles
Produce surfactant
Produce mucus

17 What is a dust cell?

Laryngeal macrophage
Laryngeal neutrophil
Alveolar macrophage
Alveolar neutrophil

18 What is a mesothelium?

Multiple layers of squamous cells
Multiple layers of columnar cells.
One layer of squamous cells
One layer of columnar cells

19 Which of following structures is main motoric structure inside cilia (kinocilia)?

Microtubules associated with dyneins
Microtubules associated with kinesins
Actin associated with type I myosin
Actin microfilaments alone

20 Which cells are main receptors of olfactory mucosa?

Senzoric epithelial cells
Multipolar neurons
Bipolar neurons
Basal cells

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