Histology MCQs/Tissues of Mesenchymal Origin (2023/24)

From WikiLectures
At the Institute of H&E, we have bad experience that students prefer rather gross (macroscopic) anatomy than microscopic anatomy (histology).

1 Easter Egg: Book The Art of War (孫子兵法) written by Sun Tzu (孫子) is the oldest known book about military tactics and strategy. Which part of this book can be used for description of function of free (wondering) cells in connective tissue?

Sun Tzu said: Whoever is first in the field and awaits the coming of the enemy, will be fresh for the fight; whoever is second in the field and has to hasten to battle will arrive exhausted.
Sun Tzu said: The art of war is of vital importance to the State. It is a matter of life and death, a road either to safety or to ruin. Hence it is a subject of inquiry which can on no account be neglected.
Sun Tzu said: The control of a large force is the same principle as the control of a few men: it is merely a question of dividing up their numbers.
Sun Tzu said: We come now to the question of encamping the army, and observing signs of the enemy. Pass quickly over mountains, and keep in the neighborhood of valleys.

2 Which of following structures does not belong to fibrilary component of extracellular matrix?

Collagen fibrils
Collagen fibers
Elastic fibers

3 Which molecular structure is main compound of reticular fibers?

Type III collagen
Type II collagen

4 How to stain for reticular fibers?

Aldehyde fuscin staining
Silver impregnation
Sudan red staining
Feulgen's method

5 Which of following structures is rich on reticular fibers?

Skeletal muscle
Compact bone
Bone marrow

6 Elastic fibers are composed of two main structures. Which ones?

Type IV collagen and chondroitin sulfate
Type II collagen and aggrecan
Elastin and fibrillin
Elastin and laminin

7 Which stainig is appropriate for elastic structures?

Methylen blue
Alcian blue
Sudan red

8 Which collagen is main collagen of collagen fibers?

Type I collagen
Type II collagen
Type III collagen
Type IV collagen

9 Which technique is appropriate for analysis of amount of connective tissue propper in the specimen?

Any trichromatic method
Masson's trichromes
Mallory's trichrome

10 All but one of following structures are glycosaminoglycans. Which one is not?

Chondroitin sulfate
Heparan sulfate
Hyaluronic acid

11 Which intracellular structure is responsible for production of sulfated glycosaminoglycans?

Smooth endoplasmic reticulum
Rough endoplasmic reticulum
Golgi apparatus
Cell membrane

12 Only one structure belongs to non-sulfated glycosaminoglycans. Which one?

Hyaluronic acid

13 Do we have fixed cells of connective tissue derived from the neural crest?

Yes, we do, for example melanocytes in meninges
Yes, we do, for example adipocytes in mesentery
Yes, we do, for example ostecytes in vertebrae
No, we do not have these cells

14 Do we have fibrilary component of extracellular matrix in hyaline cartillage?

Yes, we do, it is comosed of type II collagen fibrils
Yes, we do, it is comosed of type IV collagen fibrils
Yes, we do, it is comosed of type VII collagen fibrils
No, we do not have fibrilary component in hyaline cartilage

15 Which tissue contains cells arranged in an isogenetic groups (isogenetic lineages)?

Reticular connective tissue
Brown adipose tissue
Elastic cartilage
Woven bone

16 Which scructure in brown adipocytes produces heat?

Smooth endoplasmic reticulum
Cytoplasmic enzymes

17 Which of following techniques is stainig for lipids (triacylglycerols)?

Heidenhein's hematoxylin
Feulgen's reaction
Sudan black
Congo red

18 Which of following tissues is avascular?

Loose connective tissue
Hyaline cartilage
Compact bone

19 Which type of tissuse is main tissue of ligaments?

Dense irregular connective tissue
Dense regular connective tissue
Reticular connective tissue

20 Shape of which organ is supported by elastic cartilage?

Outer ear

21 Where takes place fibrocartilage?

False ribs (costae spuria)
Intraarticular discs
Articular cartilage
Nasal septum

22 Which type of collagen is main collagen of tendons?

Type I collagen
Type II collagen
Type III collagen
Type IV collagen

23 Do we have fibrilary componet of extracellular matrix in bones?

Yes, we do. It is composed of type I collagen fibrils
Yes, we do. It is composed of type I collagen fibers
Yes, we do. It is composed of fibrillin fibrils
No, we do not have it

24 How is called precursor cell of osteoclast?

Satelite cell
Veiled cell

25 Do adult people have chondroclasts (cells resorbing cartilage)?

Yes, we do have these cells in all cartilages with exception of articular cartilages
Yes, we do have these cells, but in healing fractures only
Yes, we do have these cells, but in the ribs only
No, we do not have these cells

26 Which structure composed of hyaline cartilage lacks perichondrium?

Hyaline cartilage has perichondrium in all cases
Cartilage covering inner surface of joins
Cartilage on the tip of xyphoid processus
Cartilage in the wall of trachea

27 Can we apply immunohistochemical staining on the slide obtained using cutting & grinding technique?

Yes, we can. But we can not expect positive result, because organic structures were burned
Yes, we can. But we can not use primary antibodies of mice origin
Yes, we can. But we can not use DAPI system for visualization
Yes, we can. But we can not use fluorescent dyes as label

28 Which skeletal muscle contains the longest muscle fibers?

Extensor hallucis longus muscle
Quadriceps femoris muscle
Biceps brachii muscle
Sartorius muscle

29 What is main function of tropomyosin in a skeletal muscle?

It enhances ineraction of actin and troponin
It prevents interaction of actin and myosin
It acts as a receptor for calcium
It binds troponin to myosin

30 What is immediate signal for contraction of myofibrils?

Sharp increase of potassium level in sarcoplasma
Sharp increase of calcium level in sarcoplasma
Sharp drop of potassium level in sarcoplasma
Sharp drop of calcium level in sarcoplasma

31 Is a muscle fiber of skeletal muscle a cell?

No, it is not bounded by a cell membrane
No, it is called syncytitum
No, it is called coenocyt
Yes, it is

32 What is main mediator on a neuromuscular junction of skeletal muscle?


33 Why have smooth muscle cells no striation?

Actin and myosin are arranged in a three-dimensional network
They lack both actin and myosin
They lack myosin only
They lack actin only

34 Which cell adhesion does not take place in the intercalated disc?

Zonula occludens
Fascia adhaerens
Gap junction

35 Which protein acts as a ruler for length of actin filaments in sarcomeres?


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