History of nursing

From WikiLectures

The emergence of nursing[edit | edit source]

Professional level nursing is a relatively young field. Historically, three overlapping lines of care can be distinguished.

The oldest lay care

People provided it themselves (self-care). Care could also be provided by family members or folk healers and midwives.

Charitable care

It developed in connection with Christianity. It was provided to individuals who could not provide for their own needs. They were poor, sick, orphans, physically handicapped, mentally handicapped. This care was and still is provided mainly by church organizations.

Organized medical care

Nurses during the First World War

This type of care gradually transformed from charitable care. It can be dated from the end of the 19th century, when biomedical development was already taking place and the care provided to people began to have a truly therapeutic and rational character.

Nursing, like medicine, philosophy, etc., is and has been influenced by religious, cultural, social, economic and political factors. In particular, wartime periods and scientific discoveries in the field of medicine (anatomical findings, X-ray, drugs, antibiotics…) had an impact on the development of society, treatment and nursing.

Developmental stages of nursing[edit | edit source]

  • nursing care in prehistoric times
  • nursing care in ancient times
  • Middle Ages – Charitable nursing
  • 19th century – the emergence of modern nursing
  • modern nursing of the 20th century, the beginnings of institutionalized nursing education
  • the present, the future of nursing

Links[edit | edit source]

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References[edit | edit source]

  • DUINOVÁ, N – SUTCLIFFOVÁ, J. A history of Medicine from Prehistory to 2020. 1. edition. Slovart, 1997. range pp. ISBN 80-85871-04-1.

External links[edit | edit source]

  • Kašpárková Jana, Recenze: PhDr. Bc. Ivana Mádlová, Ph.D., MBA, RS: Historie ošetřovatelství. Výukový portál Lékařské fakulty v Plzni [online] 12.11.2009, poslední aktualizace 14.10.2011 [cit. 2011-12-23] Dostupný z WWW: <http://mefanet.lfp.cuni.cz/clanky.php?aid=17>. ISSN 1804-4409
  • Template:Mefanet