Ischemic changes on the electrocardiogram

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Distribution of ischemic heart disease:

  1. Angina pectoris.
  2. Heart-attack.

Pardee wave:

Angina pectoris[edit | edit source]

ECG recording during an attack of angina pectoris (AP)
  • ST segment depression.
    • Horizontal or descending.
    • Lasts longer than 0.08s.
  • The QRS complex and T wave are mostly normal.

In the period outside the attack, the ECG curve in patients with angina pectoris is often completely normal.

Prinzmetal variant of angina pectoris[edit | edit source]

During an AP attack, horizontal ST depressions are not registered, but rather ST elevations.

  • The ECG image resembles the Q image of a heart attack.
  • Unlike a Q heart attack, the changes are only temporary and usually disappear with the end of the attack.

Non-Q infarction (non-transmural, subendocardial MI)[edit | edit source]

This type does not affect the entire heart wall, but necrosis develops only in the subendocardial region, which does not lead to the appearance of a pathological Q wave.

Changes on the ECG recording in non-Q heart attack
  • Depression of the ST segment - occurs when the subendocardial zone of the myocardium is damaged, it depolarizes only with a delay - during the ST segment, the so-called current from the damage is directed into it - away from the electrode, which is above the indicated place - hence the depression.
  • Spiked T - the damaged subendocardial part repolarizes later, therefore the T wave is higher than normal.

Q infarction (transmural MI)[edit | edit source]

Pathologically and anatomically, it affects the entire wall (endocardium, myocardium and pericardium). At its beginning, a Q heart attack is not manifested by a Q wave, but by a so-called Pardee wave (a high elevation of the ST segment that directly transitions into a T wave).

The sequence of changes on the ECG recording in Q heart attack[edit | edit source]

  • Spiked T.
    • A high positive T wave, a peak appears in the first minutes.
  • T wave inversion.
    • In a few minutes in the zone of ischemia, repolarization goes from the endocardium to the epicardium (physiologically, repolarization goes from the epicardium to the endocardium).

  • ST segment elevation.
    • The current from the damage is directed to the ischemic zone.
    • It occurs when the subepicardial zone is damaged - these cells depolarize with a delay only during the ST interval, and therefore the interval is increased.
    • In transmural damage, the subepicardial component predominates over the subendocardial component – there is also elevation.
    • ST elevation is in the area above MI, in the opposite leads there is a mirror image, i.e. depression ST.

  • Pathological wave Q = manifestation of necrosis affecting the entire thickness of the heart wall.
    • It occurs in the first 0.04 s QRS, is in the leads where it should not be, or overlaps the physiological R (r) oscillation (e.g. in V1 to V5) - the so-called absence of the R oscillation.
    • It develops between 4-24 hours after the onset of MI symptoms.

Distribution of MI by localization[edit | edit source]

In the ECG image, we distinguish 4 walls of the heart that can be affected by a heart attack (heart like a pyramid, base = cuspid valves).

1 MI septal V1, V2
2 MI front wall V2-V5
3 MI lateral V5, V6, I, aVL
4 MI diaphragmatic (lower) II, III, aVF
5 MI back wall mirror image V1, V2

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References[edit | edit source]

  • HAMPTON, John R. Ekg v praxi. 4. Praha : Grada, 2007. 376 s. ISBN 978-80-247-1448-6.
  • KHAN, Gabriel M. EKG a jeho hodnocení. 1. české. Praha : Grada, 2005. 348 s. ISBN 80-247-0910-4.
  • HAMPTON, John R. EKG stručně, jasně, přehledně. 6. Praha : Grada, 2005. 152 s. ISBN 978-80-247-0960-4.
  • MATOUŠEK, Stanislav. Ústav patologické fyziologie 1.LF UK : Patofyziologie – studijní materiály [online]. 2004-11-03 [cit. 2010-05-11]. EKG – úsek ST, vlny T a U. Dostupné z WWW: <>.
  • MATOUŠEK, Stanislav. Ústav patologické fyziologie 1.LF UK : Patofyziologie – studijní materiály [online]. 2004-11-03 [cit. 2010-05-11]. EKG – intervaly + QRS komplex. Dostupné z WWW: <>.