Kussmaul respiration
Characteristics : pronounced hyperpnea and significantly increased minute ventilation with significant respiratory effort .
Kussmaul pattern:
Kussmaul breathing is a typical manifestation of respiratory compensation of metabolic acidosis . The increased concentration of hydrogen protons stimulates peripheral receptors in the glomus aorticum (via the vagus nerve ) and glomus caroticum (via the glossopharyngeus nerve ), which activate the respiratory centers and increase ventilation. It appears, for example, in diabetic ketoacidosis or renal failure .
It is named after the German physician Adolph Kussmaul (1822–1902) .
Links[edit | edit source]
[edit | edit source]
- Cheyne-Stokes respiration ▪ Biot's respiration
- Dyspnea ▪ Tachypnea ▪ Bradypnea ▪ Apnea ▪ Hyperpnea ▪ Orthopnea
- Diabetic ketoacidosis (pediatrics)
Reference[edit | edit source]
- LEBL, Jan, Kamil PROVAZNÍK and Ludmila HEJCMANOVÁ, et al. Preclinical pediatrics. 2nd edition. Prague: Galén, 2007. pp. 106-107. ISBN 978-80-7262-438-6 .
- ↑ ROKYTA, Richard, et al. Physiology and pathological physiology: for clinical practice. 1st edition. 2015. 712 pp. pp. 189. ISBN 978-80-247-4867-2 . .
- ↑ MATTESON, EL and FJ KLUGE. Think clearly, be sincere, act calmly: Adolf Kussmaul (February 22, 1822-May 28, 1902) and his relevance to medicine in the 21st century. Curr Opin Rheumatol [online] . 2003, year 15, vol. 1, pp. 29–34, also available from < http://meta.wkhealth.com/pt/pt-core/template-journal/lwwgateway/media/landingpage.htm?issn=1040-8711&volume=+15&issue=1&page=29 >. ISSN -. PMID: 12496507 .
Kategorie:Fyziologie Kategorie:Pneumologie Kategorie:Vnitřní lékařství Kategorie:Interní propedeutika Kategorie:Patologie