LF3 Pathophysiology exam questions 2020
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1. Sleep disorders, EEG
2. Acid-base balance disturbances, overview
3. Acute complications of diabetes mellitus
4. Acute pressure changes in systemic circulation (causes and consequences)
5. Acute stress reaction, cardiovascular and metabolic changes
6. Arrhythmias - overview
Sinus and supraventricular rhythms
AV blocks
7. Balance disturbances: Na, K (regulation, losses, consequences)
E.g.: Hyperaldosteronism
Secondary hyperaldosteronism
Addison's disease
Hypernatremia - 3 patients
8. Blood gas transport disorder – overview
Hypoxia - table
O2 delivery formula:
9. Blood pressure regulation and its disorders
e.g.: Primary hyperaldosteronism
Secondary hyperaldosteronism
Shock - table
Do not forget neuropathies, where also ANS can be impaired...
10. Long lasting starvation consequences,catabolic states (examples), immobilisation
11. Causes and consequences of extracorporeal fluid loss (bleeding, vomiting, diarrhea, etc.)
12. Causes and consequences of arterial hypertension
e.g.: Primary hyperaldosteronism
Secondary hyperaldosteronism
13. Causes and consequences of hypoventilation
Respiratory acidosis
Hypoxia - table
Hypoxic hypoxia - V/Q mismatch
14. Causes and consequences of local edemas (compartment syndrome)
15. Causes and consequences of osmolarity changes in extracellular
16. Causes and consequences of potassium level changes
17. Causes of arrhythmia (extra- and intracardial)
18. Circulatory shock states (definition and general division), differences in compensation
19. Compensatory mechanisms during hypovolemic shock
20. Compensatory mechanisms during shock states (comparison and importance)
21. Conduction abnormalities in the heart
AV blocks
22. Disorders of consciousness (general mechanisms of origin, brain death)
Consciousness - quantity
Consciousness - quality
Prolonged loss of consciousness
Brain death
23. Consequences of acute and chronic bleeding (compensation)
Acute bleeding
e.g. circulatory shock
e.g. sideropenic anemia as a consequence of chronic bleeding
e.g. definition of anemia
24. Consequences of chronic stress
25. Poisonings affecting the autonomic nervous system - organophosphates, atropine, muscarinic, cocaine
26. Dehydration (types, causes and consequences)
isotonic dehydration
hypotonic dehydration
hypertonic dehydration
27. Hyperglycemia (causes and consequences)
e.g. in Cushing's disease https://www.wikilectures.eu/w/Cushing%27s_disease
28. Disorders of fluid balance (causes and consequences)
29. Disorders of heart signal generation
Sinus and supraventricular = atrial rhythm
30. Distributive shock, mechanisms, compensation
Septic table
31. ECG curve development during heart ischemia
32. Endocrine water metabolism regulation disorders
33. Endothelial dysfunction syndrome
34. Fever (causes and consequences); hyperthermia
35. General causes and consequences of acute organ failure (heart, lungs, kidneys)
You have to find it within these playlists:
36. General signs of inflammation
37. Glycaemia, its regulation and disorders
38. Hypercalcemia, causes and consequences
39. Hypercapnia; causes and consequences
40. Hyperhydration (types, causes and consequences)
isotonic hyperhydration
hypotonic hyperhydration
hypertonic hyperhydration
41. Hypocalcemia, causes and consequences
42. Hyponatremia, causes and consequences
43. Hypovolemic shock (causes, phases)
44. Hypoxic hypoxia (causes and consequences)
Hypoxia - table
Hypoxic hypoxia - V/Q mismatch
45. Hypoxic hypoxia; compensation and adaptation; mountain sickness
e.g. Hypoxia - table
Hypoxic hypoxia - V/Q mismatch
46. Hypoxia, ischemia (comparison), ischemic and stagnant hypoxia
47. Hypoxias (causes and types)
Hypoxias - table
48. Changes in hydration and volemia (definition, causes and consequences, clinical importance)
49. Importance of the fat tissue in health and disease
50. Increased central venous pressure, portal hypertension, chronic venous insufficiency
51. Local tissue reaction to injury (inflammation)
52. Types and causes of syncope
Syncope - types - tLOC
53. Lung gas exchange disorder (ventilation, diffusion, V/Q ratio)
e.g. https://www.wikilectures.eu/w/Obstructive_and_restrictive_lung_diseases
54. Metabolic ABB disturbances
55. Principles of examination of the autonomic nervous system (baroreflex, Schellong's test, Valsalva's maneuver)
56. Metabolic syndrome
57. Mineral metabolism changes due endocrine disturbances (K, Na)
58. Obesity (measurement, causes, consequences, complications)
59. Pathophysiology of calcemia, free and bound calcium
60. Perfusion control and its regulation (causes and consequences of the regulation failure)
61. Phases of hypovolemic shock
Phases of shock
62. Pulmonary hypertension (causes and consequences)
63. Qualitative and quantitative alimentation disorders (examples)
64. Quantitative and qualitative disturbances of consciousness (overview)
Consciousness - quantity
Consciousness - quality
65. Relation between ABB and ion concentrations, impact of ion level changes on ABB; examples
66. Respiratory ABB disturbances
67. Secondary hypertension, type, causes (endocrine etc.)
68. Complications of shock states
e.g. decompensatory phase of shock
69. Sleep apnea syndrome (central and peripheral type; consequences)
Comment: Obstructive Sleep Apnea (OSA) vs. Central Sleep Apnea (CSA) The point is, that in OSA during apnoic pause (no air flow from and out of the nose), you should see chest movement (there is obstruction in retroglossal space). In case of CSA, the problem is with the CNS respiratory centers and there is no obstruction, thus in case of apnoic pause (again no air flow), you will not see chest movement.
70. Types of edema according cause
71. Types of starvation, causes and consequences; refeeding syndrome
72. Manifestations of autonomic innervation disorders in organ systems (cardiovascular, gastrointestinal, urogenital), Horner's syndrome
73. Vegetative state, locked-in syndrome, brain death
Vegetative state = locked out
Locked-in syndrome
Brain death