Left cardiac catheterization
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Left-sided cardiac catheterization is the most accurate method of coronary heart disease (CHD).
- Most often under sciascopic control retrogradely through the aorta and it's branches
- Under local anesthesia we puncture the femoral artery or radial artery → we insert the quidewire and the introducer (Seldinger's technique) → we insert our own diagnostic catheters though the introducer into the distance of the coronary artery extra et sinistra + into the left ventricle
- Unusually left-sided transseptal catheterization: the cetheter is introduced through the femoral vein into the right atrium → we puncture the inter atrial septum and we penetrate the left atrium into the left atrium or left ventricle
- Left heart catheterization includes:
- Selective coronarography + left ventriculography – coronary artery injection + left ventricle with X-ray contrast agent
- Tonometry – test to measure the pressure inside your eyes. The test is used to screen for glaucoma. It is also used to measure how well glaucoma treatment is working.
- Oxymetry – taking blood from individual sections of the heart (determination of blood oxygen saturation) to detect short circuits
Coronary angiography[edit | edit source]
- Widely used method to asses coronary artery/ coronary artery bypass grafting
- We determinace the degree of narrowing of the coronary kartery - in % (lumen of the kartery in the narrowed area/ in the nearest unaffected area)
- A narrowing of >50% is significant
- We also assess: type of stenoses, presence of collaterals, calcifications, developmental abnormalities
- Indications: suspicion of severe coronary artery disease, assessment + differential diagnostic reasons after heart transplantation
- Relative contraindications: Active infection, severe anemia, disruption of the internal environment, severe uncontrollable Hypertension, bleeding, severe blood clotting disorders, patient disapproval of revascularization
Left ventriculography[edit | edit source]
- We determine the regional and global systolic function of the left ventricle
- Currently it can be replaced by ECHO → we perform it only in connection with selective coronarography
- Evaluation of momentum of individual parta of the left ventricle:
- Normokinesis (normal contractility),
- Hypokinesis,
- Akinesis (the monitored part of the left ventricle does not contract),
- Dyskinesis (abnormal arching of part of the left ventricular wall during systole),
- Ejection fraction (EF) – it expresses the global systolic function of the left ventricle; standard: >55%
- EF = (EDV – ESV) / EDV. 100%.
Complications of left heart catheterization[edit | edit source]
- Local: haemorrhage, hematoma, pseudoaneurysm, arteriovenous fistula at the femoral artery
- Cardiac and general: AIM, heart failure, arrhytmias, stroke, vagal reactions (hypotension+ bradykardia).
References[edit | edit source]
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References[edit | edit source]
- DÍTĚ, P.. Internal medicine. 2. edition. Praha : Galén, 2007. ISBN 978-80-7262-496-6.