Lower back pain

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Spinal decompression in back pain

Back pain occurs in the population with a prevalence of 60-90%, incidence 5% / year. They are the 2nd most common reason for a doctor's visit and the most common cause of incapability of work for people under 45.

Anatomy of the spinal segment

Clinical manifestations and diagnostics[edit | edit source]

  • local pain (musculoskeletal pain, pseudoradicular pain),
  • the basis is to detect patients whom back pain manifests another serious disease - the so-called "red flags" - spondylodiscitis, tumor, vertebral fracture
  • if we do not suspect a cause of back pain other than functional, native X-ray (a-p and side projection).

Therapy[edit | edit source]

  • rest regime, bed rest (2-4 days max.), application of analgesics and analgesic-muscle relaxants, change of movement stereotype with education and motivation of the patient (walking with a straight back, strengthening of paravertebral muscles),
  • the prognosis is good and conservative therapy usually relieves the patient's pain,
  • in case of chronic / recurrent nature, other diagnostic-therapeutic procedures - MRI of the lumbar spine, infiltration of the facets with a local anesthetic, discography
  • surgical therapy of back pain (in case of repeated failure of conservative therapy) - fusion (bone fusion) in the segment, which is considered a source of pain, it is possible to replace the intervertebral disc with artificial (especially in young patients).

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References[edit | edit source]

  • SAMEŠ, M. Neurochirurgie. 1. edition. Praha : Jessenius Maxdorf, 2005. 127 pp. ISBN 80-7345-072-0.

Kategorie:Neurochirurgie Kategorie:Neurologie Kategorie:Ortopedie