
From WikiLectures

Template:Infobox - onemocnění

It is a pain in the lower back, caused by the innervation of the lumbar spine, without irritation of the roots n. ischiadicus.

Clinical symptoms[edit | edit source]

  • popularly houser', shot
  • in lumbar spine area intensified by movement
  • preceded by sudden, uncoordinated movement (quick turning, lifting of a load), ev. cold
  • pain sometimes shoots into DKK, buttocks
  • the cause is in the muscles and ligaments of the sacral region

Treatment[edit | edit source]

  • physical rest, salicylates, antirheumatic drugs, antispasmodics
  • manipulation with the removal of the blockage
  • if there is no relief of symptoms within a week → examination by imaging methods (disc herniation starts as lumbago → pain gradually subsides;

symptoms of root irritation appear in the back)

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Done by: Eisa Jbara