Main polluting factors of water

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Potrero generating station outflow

Water pollution can be divided into:

  • local – wastewater from households, businesses, farms
  • widespread - runoff of fertilizers and pesticides from fields (also seeps into groundwater)

Biological pllution[edit | edit source]

Biological pollution is mainly caused by organic substances (silage juice, faeces, etc.)

Chemical pollution[edit | edit source]

Chemical water pollution is mainly caused by:

  • Oil and petroleum products – These substances form a thin film on the surface of the water that prevents oxygenation and damages the feathers and fur of animals.
  • Znečištění vody ropou
    Detergents – These are cleaning and washing agents that contain so-called surfactants , i.e. surface-active substances that prevent gas exchange and are poisonous. If they also contain phosphates, they cause eutrophication of waters.
  • Polychlorinated biphenyls – These substances are part of lubricants, paints and hydraulic fluids. These are toxic and carcinogenic substances that accumulate in fatty tissue. They seriously damage the nervous system, skin and immunity.
  • Fertilizers and pesticides
  • Heavy metals – Metals enter waterways from waste and emissions . They accumulate in organisms, mainly in fish and waterfowl.

Physical pollution[edit | edit source]

These are mainly the following types of pollution:

  • Radioactive radiation – This pollution is caused by the mining and processing of uranium and the disposal of radioactive waste on the seabed.
  • Thermal pollution – This is waste heat from the cooling water of power plants or from the metallurgical industry.
  • Mechanical pollution – E.g. clogging of waterways.

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Resources[edit | edit source]

  • LEDVINA, Miroslav, Alena STOKLASOVÁ a Jaroslav CERMAN. Biochemie pro studující medicíny. 2. vyd. Praha: Karolinum, 2009, 269 s. ISBN 978-802-4614-144.
  • BENEŠOVÁ, Marika. Odmaturuj! z chemie. Vyd. 1. Brno: Didaktis, 208 s. ISBN 80-862-8556-1.
  • Prezentace ze stránek Ústavu lékařské biochemie a laboratorní diagnostiky.