Mineral substances (1. LF UK, NT)

From WikiLectures

  • organogenic elements C, O, H, N, P, S
  • minerals: P, S, others (ash elements)
  • gross content: ash (0.5-3% by weight)


Classification of minerals (1st LF, NT)


  • heme enzymes: cytochromes, catalase, peroxidases
  • non-heme enzymes: succinate dehydrogenase, xanthine oxidase, flavin oxidoreductase, aconitase
  • transport proteins: haemoglobin (erythrocytes), myoglobin (muscles) O2, transferrin (plasma) Fe
  • storage proteins: ferritin, hemosiderin (spleen, liver, bone marrow)
  • complexes with other compounds
  • File:Complexes-Fe.jpg
  • covalent compounds
  • File:Kovalenty-Fe.jpg


Searchtool right.svg For more information see iron.

Biochemical functions of essential elements


Biochemical functions of essential elements (1st LF, NT)

Daily Mineral Doses in Nutrition


Daily mineral intake in nutrition (1st LF, NT)}

Occurrence and significant sources of minerals


Occurrence and significant mineral resources (1st LF, NT)

Mineral Utilization


Mineral utilization (1st LF, NT)}

Minerals as contaminants

  • permissible levels in food
  • hygiene limits
Natural sources of contamination
  • rock ventilation
  • fires
  • volcanic activity
  • floods
Anthropogenic sources of contamination
  • burning fossil fuels
  • transport
  • industry (mainly metal production)
  • agriculture (fertilizers etc. chemicals)
  • waste
Searchtool right.svg For more information see Metals Contamination.

Toxic mineral anions


Toxic mineral anions (1st LF, NT)

