Modul OZPP - Practice number 12

From WikiLectures

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Slide number 1 and number 2 - astrocytoma

Astrocytoma 4x.jpg Astrocytoma 20x.jpg

Slide number 3 and number 4 - karcinosis of meninges

L 12-16 meningeal carcinosis karcinosa mening 4x oznaceno.jpg L 12-16 meningeal carcinosis karcinosa mening 20x oznaceno.jpg


  • meninges
  • Tumor epithelial nests with atypia

Slide number 5 and number 6 - ependymoma

Ependymoma 4x.jpg L 12-18 ependymoma 20x oznaceno.jpg


  • Hints of rosette formation

Slide number 7 and number 8 - glioblastoma

Glioblastoma 4x.jpg L 12-20 glioblastoma 20x oznaceno.jpg


  • Regressive areas of the tumor

Slide number 9 and number 10 - meningeom with psammomatous bodies

L12-8 meningioma meningeom s psamomaty 4x oznaceno.jpg L 12-8 meningioma meningeom s psammomaty 20x oznaceno.jpg


  • psammomatous bodies

Slide number 11 and number 12 - feochromocytoma

Pheochromocytoma feochromocytom 4x.jpg L11-4 pheochromocytoma feochromocytom 20x oznaceno.jpg


  • tumor cells fascicles

Slide number 13 and number 14 -ganglioneuroma

Ganglioneuroma 4x.jpg Z11-2 ganglioneuroma 20x oznaceno.jpg


  • spindle cells of the tumor
  • ganglion cells of the tumor

Slide number 15 and number 16 -neurinoma

Schwannoma neurinom 4x.jpg Z11-3 schwannoma neurinom 20x oznaceno.jpg


  • palisades (Antoni A)

Slide number 17 and number 18 - - plexiform neurofibroma

Z11-4 plexiform neurofibroma plexiformni neurofibrom 4x oznaceno.jpg Plexiform neurofibroma plexiformni neurofibrom 20x.jpg


  • tumor


← Modul OZPP - Praktice Number 11

Module General Basics of Pathology and Pathophysiology (3rd Faculty of Medicine, Charles University)

Modul OZPP - Praktice Number 13→
