Musculus flexor digitorum superficialis

From WikiLectures


  • Superficial muscles of front of of forearm.
    caput humeroulnare - caput commune ulnare below the epicondyle of the humerus and on the lig. collaterale ulnare of the elbow joint and partly on the ulna;
  • caput radiale - on the radius, along the attachment of the m. supinator.

Extension: each of the four tendons bifurcates (chiasma tendinum) at the base of the middle link of the finger.

Innervation: nervus medianus (C7-Th1).

Function: flexion of the proximal interphalangeal joints of the fingers.

References[edit | edit source]

  • ČIHÁK, Radomír a Miloš GRIM. Anatomie. 2., uprav. a dopl vydání. Praha : Grada Publishing, 2002. 470 s. sv. 1. ISBN 80-7169-970-5.