Musculus tensor fasciae latae

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Tensor fasciae latae muscle

Origin: spina iliaca anterior superior, part of labium externum cristae iliacae

Insertion: tractus iliotibialis

Inervation: nervus gluteus superior (z L4–S1)

Function: flexion, abduction, internal rotation at the hip joint , maintains extension at the knee joint

Tractus iliotibialis : is a thickened tendon strip located on the lateral side of the thigh, to which the tensor fasciae latae muscle attaches from the front and the glutaeus maximus muscle from the back . It descends to the knee joint and attaches to the condylus lateralis tibiae , maintains the stability of the knee, and also fixes the lumbar joint.

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References[edit | edit source]

  • ČIHÁK, Radomír. Anatomie 1. 2. edition. Grada, 2001. 497 pp. ISBN 80-7169-970-5.

  • VIGUÉ, Jordi. Atlas lidského těla. 3. edition. Rebo, 2007. ISBN 978-80-7234-881-7.