
From WikiLectures

Myringoplasty is a reconstructive surgical procedure aimed at restoring the function of the eardrum . This involves either healing the eardrum or recreating it. In retromyringic myringoplasty, a free graft (autologous fascia from the temporalis muscle , perichondrium, cartilage) is placed under the eardrum ( underlay ).

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Diagram of the ear - ear drum transmission system shown in red : a – ear drum, b – malleus, c – anvil, d – stirrup, e – middle ear cavity
Diagram of the ear - ear drum transmission system shown in red : a – ear drum, b – malleus, c – anvil, d – stirrup, e – middle ear cavity

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References[edit | edit source]

  • KLOZAR, Jan, et al. Special otorhinolaryngology. 1st edition. Prague: Galén, 2005. 224 pp.  ISBN 80-7262-346-X .

Category : Otorhinolaryngologie